Remy Mozul
Remy Mozul
在 umontpellier.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
F Dubois, M Jean, M Renouf, R Mozul, A Martin, M Bagneris
10e colloque national en calcul des structures, Clé USB, 2011
Validation of an immersed thick boundary method for simulating fluid–structure interactions of deformable membranes
J Sigüenza, S Mendez, D Ambard, F Dubois, F Jourdan, R Mozul, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 322, 723-746, 2016
LMGC90. 10e colloque national en calcul des structures
F Dubois, M Jean, M Renouf, R Mozul, A Martin, M Bagnéris
Giens, France, 2011
A contact dynamics code implementation for the simulation of asteroid evolution and regolith in the asteroid environment
P Sánchez, M Renouf, E Azéma, R Mozul, F Dubois
Icarus 363, 114441, 2021
Conception d'un outil adapté à la mise en données des systèmes discrets
A Martin, M Bagnéris, F Dubois, R Mozul
10e colloque national en calcul des structures, Clé USB, 2011
A DF-IBM/NSCD coupling framework to simulate immersed particle interactions
T Dbouk, F Perales, F Babik, R Mozul
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 309, 610-624, 2016
10e colloque national en calcul des structures
F Dubois, M Jean, M Renouf, R Mozul, A Martin, M Bagnéris
pp. USB key, 00596875, 2011
Latent set models for two-mode network data
C DuBois, J Foulds, P Smyth
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 5 …, 2011
De l'intérêt de la courbure dans les interfaces: application aux structures en pierre
M Bagnéris, F Dubois, A Martin, R Mozul, P Taforel
10e colloque national en calcul des structures, Clé USB, 2011
LMGC90: a Contact Dynamics open source code for the simulation of granular asteroid with realistic regolith shapes. Application to the accretion process
P Sánchez, M Renouf, E Azéma, R Mozul
EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 14007, 2021
Xper: une plateforme pour la simulation numérique distribuée d'interactions multiphysiques entre corps
F Perales, Y Monerie, F Dubois, R Mozul, F Babik
13e colloque national en calcul des structures, 2017
Numerical methods for modeling the mechanics of flowing capsules using a front-tracking immersed boundary method
J Siguenza, R Mozul, F Dubois, D Ambard, S Mendez, F Nicoud
Procedia IUTAM 00, 2015
The Saladyn toolbox
V Acary, M Brémond, HP Cao, F Dubois, S Mazet, R Mozul
11e colloque national en calcul des structures, 2013
XPER: une plateforme pour la simulation numérique distribuée d'interactions multiphysiques complexes.
F Perales, ZA Manorosoa, L Gomez, A Somera, C Tosi, F Babik, F Dubois, ...
16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures, 2024
The Contact Dynamics (CD) Method, as a Discrete Element Method for the simulation of granular asteroids
P Sanchez, M Renouf, E Azéma, R Mozul
European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC-DPS Joint meeting), 2019
Modelling of a collection of non-rigid particles with smooth discrete element method
E Postek, F Dubois, R Mozul, P Cañadas
40th Solid Mechanics Conference-SOLMECH 2016, 2016
La méthode" Non Smooth Contact Dynamics", application à la modélisation des milieux divisés
R Mozul, F Dubois
CFM 2015-22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2015
Résumé—This paper gives a short overview of LMGC90 platform in terms of architecture and main features. Some examples illustrate its possibilities. Mots clés—contact …
F Dubois, R Mozul
Of the designing of a software dedicated to the numerical simulation of contact dynamics problems
R Mozul, F Dubois
The 2nd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, 2012
Feedback on modeling issues of assemblies made of polyhedric objects through non smooth discrete element methods
P Taforel, F Dubois, A Martin, R Mozul, S Pagano
Euromech Colloquium 516: Nonsmooth contact and Impact laws in Mechanics, 2p., 2011
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