John T. Green
Purkinje cell activity in the cerebellar anterior lobe after rabbit eyeblink conditioning
JT Green, JE Steinmetz
Learning & Memory 12 (3), 260-269, 2005
Hippocampal and cerebellar single-unit activity during delay and trace eyeblink conditioning in the rat
JT Green, JD Arenos
Neurobiology of learning and memory 87 (2), 269-284, 2007
Eyeblink classical conditioning: Hippocampal formation is for neutral stimulus associations as cerebellum is for association–response.
JT Green, DS Woodruff-Pak
Psychological bulletin 126 (1), 138, 2000
Inactivation of sodium channel Scn8A (Nav1. 6) in purkinje neurons impairs learning in Morris Water Maze and delay but not trace eyeblink classical conditioning.
DS Woodruff-Pak, JT Green, SI Levin, MH Meisler
Behavioral neuroscience 120 (2), 229, 2006
Neonatal ethanol produces cerebellar deep nuclear cell loss and correlated disruption of eyeblink conditioning in adult rats
JT Green, T Tran, JE Steinmetz, CR Goodlett
Brain research 956 (2), 302-311, 2002
The effects of ethanol on the developing cerebellum and eyeblink classical conditioning
JT Green
The Cerebellum 3, 178-187, 2004
Eyeblink classical conditioning and interpositus nucleus activity are disrupted in adult rats exposed to ethanol as neonates
JT Green, TB Johnson, CR Goodlett, JE Steinmetz
Learning & Memory 9 (5), 304-320, 2002
Impairment in eyeblink classical conditioning in adult rats exposed to ethanol as neonates
JT Green, RF Rogers, CR Goodlett, JE Steinmetz
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 24 (4), 438-447, 2000
Motor timing deficits in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
HN Zelaznik, AJ Vaughn, JT Green, AL Smith, B Hoza, K Linnea
Human movement science 31 (1), 255-265, 2012
Inactivation of prelimbic and infralimbic cortex respectively affects minimally-trained and extensively-trained goal-directed actions
ML Shipman, S Trask, ME Bouton, JT Green
Neurobiology of learning and memory 155, 164-172, 2018
Medial prefrontal cortex involvement in the expression of extinction and ABA renewal of instrumental behavior for a food reinforcer
MC Eddy, TP Todd, ME Bouton, JT Green
Neurobiology of learning and memory 128, 33-39, 2016
Some factors that restore goal-direction to a habitual behavior
S Trask, ML Shipman, JT Green, ME Bouton
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 169, 107161, 2020
Cellular mechanisms and behavioral consequences of Kv1. 2 regulation in the rat cerebellum
MR Williams, JR Fuchs, JT Green, AD Morielli
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (27), 9228-9237, 2012
Cerebellum and cognition: does the rodent cerebellum participate in cognitive functions?
ML Shipman, JT Green
Neurobiology of learning and memory 170, 106996, 2020
Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex attenuates context-dependent operant responding
S Trask, ML Shipman, JT Green, ME Bouton
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (9), 2317-2324, 2017
Classical eyeblink conditioning: Clinical models and applications
JE Steinmetz, JA Tracy, JT Green
Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science 36, 220-238, 2001
Timing in eyeblink classical conditioning and timed-interval tapping
JT Green, RB Ivry, DS Woodruff-Pak
Psychological Science 10 (1), 19-23, 1999
A nicotinic cholinergic agonist (GTS-21) and eyeblink classical conditioning: acquisition, retention, and relearning in older rabbits
DS Woodruff-Pak, JT Green, C Coleman-V alencia, JT Pak
Experimental aging research 26 (4), 323-336, 2000
Voluntary exercise improves performance of a discrimination task through effects on the striatal dopamine system
MC Eddy, KJ Stansfield, JT Green
Learning & memory 21 (7), 334-337, 2014
The effects of moderate neonatal ethanol exposure on eyeblink conditioning and deep cerebellar nuclei neuron numbers in the rat
JT Green, JD Arenos, CJ Dillon
Alcohol 39 (3), 135-150, 2006
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