Object-Process Methodology – A Holistic Systems Paradigm D Dori Springer-Verlag, 2002 | 895* | 2002 |
Model-Based Systems Engineering with OPM and SysML D Dori Springer, 2016 | 329 | 2016 |
Sparse pixel vectorization: An algorithm and its performance evaluation D Dori, W Liu IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine Intelligence 21 (3), 202-215, 1999 | 229 | 1999 |
ERP modeling: a comprehensive approach P Soffer, B Golany, D Dori Information systems 28 (6), 673-690, 2003 | 228 | 2003 |
A protocol for performance evaluation of line detection algorithms L Wenyin, D Dori Machine Vision and Applications 9, 240-250, 1997 | 161 | 1997 |
From engineering drawings to 3D CAD models: are we ready now? D Dori, K Tombre Computer-Aided Design 27 (4), 243-254, 1995 | 145 | 1995 |
Situation-based access control: Privacy management via modeling of patient data access scenarios M Peleg, D Beimel, D Dori, Y Denekamp Journal of biomedical informatics 41 (6), 1028-1040, 2008 | 144 | 2008 |
The model multiplicity problem: experimenting with real-time specification methods M Peleg, D Dori IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 26 (8), 742-759, 2000 | 144 | 2000 |
Modeling system D Dori US Patent 7,099,809, 2006 | 141 | 2006 |
Object-process analysis: maintaining the balance between system structure and behaviour D Dori Journal of Logic and Computation 5 (2), 227-249, 1995 | 138 | 1995 |
Modelling off-the-shelf information systems requirements: an ontological approach P Soffer, B Golany, D Dori, Y Wand Requirements Engineering 6, 183-199, 2001 | 133 | 2001 |
Why significant UML change is unlikely D Dori Communications of the ACM 45 (11), 82-85, 2002 | 132 | 2002 |
A syntactic/geometric approach to recognition of dimensions in engineering machine drawings D Dori Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 47 (3), 271-291, 1989 | 130 | 1989 |
From raster to vectors: extracting visual information from line drawings L Wenyin, D Dori Pattern Analysis & Applications 2, 10-21, 1999 | 126 | 1999 |
Project management vs. systems engineering management: A practitioners' view on integrating the project and product domains A Sharon, OL De Weck, D Dori Systems Engineering 14 (4), 427-440, 2011 | 125 | 2011 |
Aligning an ERP system with enterprise requirements: An object-process based approach P Soffer, B Golany, D Dori Computers in industry 56 (6), 639-662, 2005 | 118 | 2005 |
Sparse-pixel recognition of primitives in engineering drawings D Dori, Y Liang, J Dowell, I Chai Machine Vision and Applications 6, 69-82, 1993 | 109 | 1993 |
Career choice of undergraduate engineering students H Mishkin, N Wangrowicz, D Dori, YJ Dori Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 228, 222-228, 2016 | 92 | 2016 |
Vector-based arc segmentation in the machine drawing understanding system environment D Dori IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 17 (11), 1057 …, 1995 | 90 | 1995 |
Automated CAD conversion with the machine drawing understanding system: concepts, algorithms, and performance D Dori, L Wenyin IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-part A: systems and …, 1999 | 83 | 1999 |