Nicolaas Unland
Nicolaas Unland
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Investigating the spatio-temporal variability in groundwater and surface water interactions: a multi-technique approach
NP Unland, I Cartwright, MS Andersen, GC Rau, J Reed, BS Gilfedder, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (9), 3437-3453, 2013
A multi‐tracer approach to quantifying groundwater inflows to an upland river; assessing the influence of variable groundwater chemistry
AP Atkinson, I Cartwright, BS Gilfedder, H Hofmann, NP Unland, ...
Hydrological Processes 29 (1), 1-12, 2015
Using 14C and 3H to understand groundwater flow and recharge in an aquifer window
AP Atkinson, I Cartwright, BS Gilfedder, DI Cendón, NP Unland, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (12), 4951-4964, 2014
Residence times and mixing of water in river banks: implications for recharge and groundwater–surface water exchange
NP Unland, I Cartwright, DI Cendón, R Chisari
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (12), 5109-5124, 2014
Dynamic river–groundwater exchange in the presence of a saline, semi‐confined aquifer
NP Unland, I Cartwright, E Daly, BS Gilfedder, AP Atkinson
Hydrological Processes 29 (23), 4817-4829, 2015
Assessing the hydrogeochemical impact and distribution of acid sulphate soils, Heart Morass, West Gippsland, Victoria
NP Unland, HL Taylor, BR Bolton, I Cartwright
Applied geochemistry 27 (10), 2001-2009, 2012
Investigating the spatio-temporal variability in groundwater and surface water interactions: a multi-technical approach.
NP Unland, I Cartwright, MS Andersen, GC Rau, J Reed, BS Gilfedder, ...
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Discussions 10 (3), 2013
Optimising wetland remediation strategies via predictive hydrogeochemical modelling
N. P. Unland, L Lennon
Australian Water Association - OzWater, 2022
Hydrogeological, climatic and anthropogenic drivers of acidification within an inland acid sulfate soil wetland – investigations to inform remediation
N.P. Unland, L. Lennon, G. Hoxley
Australasian Groundwater Conference, 28, 2019
Estimating groundwater recharge to the Lower Tertiary Aquifer near Barwon Downs
L Lennon, N Unland, S Parsons, J Lee
222-Rn and hydrochemical parameters reveal natural and induced surface groundwater exchange pathways
G Rau, H Rutlidge, M Anderson, N Unland, H Hofmann, B Gilfedder, ...
Determining the mean residence time and water sources of a first order stream in a temperate rainforest environment; the role of pipeflow
AP Atkinson, I Cartwright, BS Gilfedder, NP Unland, H Hofmann, M Yu
General Declaration, 83, 2014
Combining Radon and heat as tracers to characterise surface water and groundwater exchange pathways
GC Rau, J Frecker, MS Andersen, NP Unland, H Hofmann, BS Gilfedder, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11323, 2014
The dynamics and modelling of river–groundwater exchange in river banks
NP Unland, I Cartwright, E Daly, BS Gilfedder, AP Atkinson
The spatial and temporal dynamics of groundwater–river interactions, 117, 2013
Transient groundwater-surface water interactions in a tidal estuary: a case study from the Tambo River, Eastern Victoria
NP Unland, BS Gilfedder, I Cartwright, AP Atkinson
The spatial and temporal dynamics of groundwater–river interactions, 149, 2013
The spatial and temporal dynamics of groundwater–river interactions
NP Unland
Monash University, 2013
Tracing the age, origins and hydrodynamics of groundwater and surface water exchange in river banks
NP Unland, I Cartwright, DI Cendón, R Chisari
International Association of Hydrogeologists, 2013
'Multiple'old'water sources in an upland catchment'
A Atkinson, I Cartwright, B Gilfedder, H Hofmann, N Unland
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-3745, 2013
Investigating groundwater and surface water interactions by combining chemical and physical techniques over different timescales in the Tambo Catchment, Victoria, Austalia.
N Unland, B Gilfedder, I Cartwright
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6861, 2012
Reconciling geochemical and physical tracers of groundwater-stream interactions
H Hofmann, I Cartwright, B Gilfedder, N Unland, A Atkinson, M Yu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, H41F-1121, 2011
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