Pascal Stegmann
Pascal Stegmann
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Bern
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The digital transformation of value co-creation: a scoping review towards an agenda for sport marketing research
P Stegmann, S Nagel, T Ströbel
European Sport Management Quarterly 23 (4), 1221-1248, 2023
Guest editorial. Digital transformation in sport: the disruptive potential of digitalization for sport management research
T Ströbel, M Stieler, P Stegmann
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 11 (1), 1-9, 2021
Successful talent development in popular game sports in Switzerland: The case of ice hockey
P Stegmann, R Sieghartsleitner, C Zuber, M Zibung, L Lenze, ...
International journal of sports science & coaching 16 (3), 710-721, 2021
Empowerment of human brands: Brand meaning co-creation on digital engagement platforms
M Anderski, L Griebel, P Stegmann, T Ströbel
Journal of Business Research 166, 113905, 2023
Hype or opportunity? Tokenization as engagement platform in sport marketing
P Stegmann, D Matyas, T Ströbel
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 24 (4), 722-736, 2023
Switzerland: autonomous sports clubs as contributors to public welfare
S Nagel, P Stegmann, R Bürgi, M Lamprecht
Functions of Sports Clubs in European Societies: A Cross-National …, 2020
International performance level in adult ice hockey: The role of the talent environment in youth
L Lenze, M Zibung, C Zuber, P Stegmann, A Conzelmann
Journal of sports sciences 41 (2), 100-111, 2023
Rethinking brand management within sport: advancing towards the integrative sport brand ecosystem (ISBE)
L Brand, P Stegmann, T Ströbel
European Sport Management Quarterly, 1-21, 2023
Digital transformation of value creation on sport platforms: A case study analysis
P Stegmann, T Ströbel, S Nagel
EASM Conference 9, 352-354, 2019
Sport in a Post-Growth Society: Potential Challenges and Opportunities
P Stegmann, C Moesch, T Ströbel
EASM Conference, 2023
Sport brands have the power to change the world, don’t they?! Sportklubmarken und ihr Einfluss auf ökologisch nachhaltiges Fanverhalten
L Brand, P Stegmann, T Ströbel
“He's one of our own!” Examining the impact of transfers to the German Bundesliga on fan behaviour and purchase intention in Asia
M Anderski, P Stegmann, R Fuller, G Dickson, T Ströbel
Brands have the power to change the world, don't they?! An examination of the impact of co-created conscientious brands on pro-environmental behaviours among their consumers
L Brand, P Stegmann, T Ströbel
Categorizing engagement behavior in sport brand communities–an empirical study informed by social practice theory
P Stegmann, T Ströbel, H Woratschek
Sport Management Review, 1-28, 2024
Digitale Transformation und Wert-Kokreation im professionellen Teamsport
P Stegmann, T Ströbel
Entwicklungstendenzen im Sportmanagement: Struktur-und Wertewandel …, 2024
Schweiz: Autonome Sportvereine als Träger des Gemeinwohls
S Nagel, P Stegmann, R Bürgi, M Lamprecht
Funktionen von Sportvereinen in europäischen Gesellschaften: Eine …, 2023
Drivers of environmental policies in Swiss sport federations: A multiple case study of the agenda setting process
S Piller, C Moesch, P Stegmann, S Nagel
A Uses And Gratifications-based Market Segmentation Approach To Football Fans’ Online Media Usage Motivation
AC Gächter, P Stegmann, G Lang
Relevance and drivers of sustainability in the sponsorship of major sporting events
C Moesch, M Maurer, S Piller, P Stegmann
On the social context of actor engagement on digital engagement platforms in sport: An experimental study on the effect of actor embeddedness and actor engagement behavior
P Stegmann, N O'Reilly, T Ströbel
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