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Imporved production of the indole alkaloid cathin-6-one from cell suspension cultures of Brucea javanica (L.) Merr ME Wagiah, G Alam, S Wiryowidagdo, K Attia Indian J Sci Technol 1 (7), 1-6, 2008 | 32 | 2008 |
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Selective Cytotoxicity evaluation in Anticancer drug screening of Boehmeria virgata (Forst) Guill leaves to several human cell lines: HeLa, WiDr, T47D and Vero M Rusdi, G Alam, MA Manggau Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 12 (2), 87-90, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
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Isolation and identification of antibacterial compound from diethyl ether extract of Plantago major L A Najib, G Alam, M Halidin Pharmacognosy Journal 4 (31), 59-62, 2012 | 17 | 2012 |
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Protective effect of green algae Ulva reticulata against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Drosophila infection model F Nainu, RM Asri, MN Djide, M Ahsan, R Arfiansyah, S Sartini, G Alam HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 26 (4), 163-163, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
α–Glucosidase inhibitory activity of breadfruit leaf extract (Artocarpus altilis (parkinson) fosberg) H Rante, G Alam, M Irwan Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1341 (7), 072015, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
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