Natsuki Hosono
Natsuki Hosono
Kobe U.
在 crystal.kobe-u.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Implementation and performance of FDPS: a framework for developing parallel particle simulation codes
M Iwasawa, A Tanikawa, N Hosono, K Nitadori, T Muranushi, J Makino
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 68 (4), 54, 2016
Terrestrial magma ocean origin of the Moon
N Hosono, S Karato, J Makino, TR Saitoh
Nature Geoscience 12 (6), 418-423, 2019
The giant impact simulations with density independent smoothed particle hydrodynamics
N Hosono, TR Saitoh, J Makino, H Genda, S Ida
Icarus 271, 131-157, 2016
Fortran interface layer of the framework for developing particle simulator FDPS
D Namekata, M Iwasawa, K Nitadori, A Tanikawa, T Muranushi, L Wang, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 70 (4), 70, 2018
Unconvergence of very-large-scale giant impact simulations
N Hosono, M Iwasawa, A Tanikawa, K Nitadori, T Muranushi, J Makino
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 69 (2), 26, 2017
A comparison of SPH artificial viscosities and their impact on the Keplerian disk
N Hosono, TR Saitoh, J Makino
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 224 (2), 32, 2016
Density-independent smoothed particle hydrodynamics for a non-ideal equation of state
N Hosono, TR Saitoh, J Makino
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 65 (5), 108, 2013
Automatic generation of efficient codes from mathematical descriptions of stencil computation
T Muranushi, S Nishizawa, H Tomita, K Nitadori, M Iwasawa, Y Maruyama, ...
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Functional High-Performance …, 2016
Simulations of below-ground dynamics of fungi: 1.184 pflops attained by automated generation and autotuning of temporal blocking codes
T Muranushi, H Hotta, J Makino, S Nishizawa, H Tomita, K Nitadori, ...
SC'16: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2016
FDPS: a novel framework for developing high-performance particle simulation codes for distributed-memory systems
M Iwasawa, A Tanikawa, N Hosono, K Nitadori, T Muranushi, J Makino
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages …, 2015
Can the Uranian satellites form from a debris disk generated by a giant impact?
Y Ishizawa, T Sasaki, N Hosono
The Astrophysical Journal 885 (2), 132, 2019
Particle number dependence of the n-body simulations of moon formation
T Sasaki, N Hosono
The Astrophysical Journal 856 (2), 175, 2018
N-body simulations of the ring formation process around the dwarf planet haumea
I Sumida, Y Ishizawa, N Hosono, T Sasaki
The Astrophysical Journal 897 (1), 21, 2020
The influence of equation of state on the giant impact simulations
N Hosono, S Karato
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127 (6), e2021JE006971, 2022
FDPS: Framework for Developing Particle Simulators
M Iwasawa, A Tanikawa, N Hosono, K Nitadori, T Muranushi, J Makino
Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl: 1604.011, 2016
Effect of Equation of State and Cutoff Density in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations of the Moon-forming Giant Impact
SD Hull, M Nakajima, N Hosono, RM Canup, R Gassmöller
The Planetary Science Journal 5 (1), 9, 2024
Numerical simulation study of debris particles movement characteristics by smoothed particle hydrodynamics
S Ueta, N Hosono, R Kuroki, Y Yamashiki
Journal of Disaster Research 17 (2), 237-245, 2022
Merging Criteria for Planetesimal Collisions
T Shibata, E Kokubo, N Hosono
The Astrophysical Journal 921 (2), 163, 2021
Implementation of SPH and DEM for a PEZY-SC Heterogeneous Many-Core System
N Hosono, M Furuichi
Computational and Experimental Simulations in Engineering: Proceedings of …, 2020
The performance prediction and improvement of sph with the interaction-list-sharing method on pezy-scs
N Hosono, M Furuichi
Computational Science–ICCS 2019: 19th International Conference, Faro …, 2019
文章 1–20