Vincent Gruson
Vincent Gruson
MicroManufacturing process owner @ TreeFrog Therapeutics
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Attosecond dynamics through a Fano resonance: Monitoring the birth of a photoelectron
V Gruson, L Barreau, Á Jiménez-Galan, F Risoud, J Caillat, A Maquet, ...
Science 354 (6313), 734-738, 2016
Tracking ultrafast solid-state dynamics using high harmonic spectroscopy
MR Bionta, E Haddad, A Leblanc, V Gruson, P Lassonde, H Ibrahim, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (2), 023250, 2021
Evidence of depolarization and ellipticity of high harmonics driven by ultrashort bichromatic circularly polarized fields
L Barreau, K Veyrinas, V Gruson, SJ Weber, T Auguste, JF Hergott, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4727, 2018
Phase-matching-free pulse retrieval based on transient absorption in solids
A Leblanc, P Lassonde, S Petit, JC Delagnes, E Haddad, G Ernotte, ...
Optics express 27 (20), 28998-29015, 2019
2.5 TW, two-cycle IR laser pulses via frequency domain optical parametric amplification
V Gruson, G Ernotte, P Lassonde, A Laramée, MR Bionta, M Chaker, ...
Optics express 25 (22), 27706-27714, 2017
Quantifying decoherence in attosecond metrology
C Bourassin-Bouchet, L Barreau, V Gruson, JF Hergott, F Quéré, ...
Physical Review X 10 (3), 031048, 2020
Flexible attosecond beamline for high harmonic spectroscopy and XUV/near-IR pump probe experiments requiring long acquisition times
SJ Weber, B Manschwetus, M Billon, M Böttcher, M Bougeard, P Breger, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (3), 2015
Molecular frame photoemission by a comb of elliptical high-order harmonics: a sensitive probe of both photodynamics and harmonic complete polarization state
K Veyrinas, V Gruson, SJ Weber, L Barreau, T Ruchon, JF Hergott, ...
Faraday discussions 194, 161-183, 2016
Themed collection Ultrafast Imaging of Photochemical Dynamics
RS Minns, A Kirrander, RJD Miller, K Veyrinas, V Gruson, SJ Weber, ...
Faraday Discuss 194, 835-837, 2016
Laser wakefield acceleration with high-power, few-cycle mid-IR lasers
D Papp, JC Wood, V Gruson, M Bionta, JN Gruse, E Cormier, Z Najmudin, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2018
Probing the phase transition in using few-cycle 1.8 pulses
MR Bionta, V Wanie, V Gruson, J Chaillou, N Émond, D Lepage, ...
Physical Review B 97 (12), 125126, 2018
Two-dimensional phase cartography for high-harmonic spectroscopy
A Camper, E Skantzakis, R Géneaux, F Risoud, E English, Z Diveki, N Lin, ...
Optica 8 (3), 308-315, 2021
Interferometric control of the ellipticity of a femtosecond extreme ultraviolet source
V Gruson, SJ Weber, L Barreau, JF Hergott, F Lepetit, T Auguste, B Carré, ...
JOSA B 35 (4), A15-A21, 2018
Polarimétrie harmonique et spectroscopie de photoionisation attoseconde
V Gruson
Université Paris Saclay (COmUE), 2015
Tracking the Phase Transition in VO2 using High Harmonic Spectroscopy
MR Bionta, A Leblanc, V Gruson, P Lassonde, J Chaillou, N Émond, ...
2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2019
Molecular frame photoemission: a sensitive probe of the complete polarization state of high harmonic generation
K Veyrinas, V Gruson, SJ Weber, L Barreau, T Ruchon, JC Houver, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (11), 112140, 2015
Power-scaled femtosecond lasers for industrial productivity
B Tropheme, F Basin, C Quenel, J Pouysegur, V Gruson, D Platzer, ...
Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial …, 2024
Agile kW-level fs lasers for flexible and high throughput production
E Audouard, J Pouysegur, V Gruson, M Delaigue, D Ferachou, J Loyez, ...
Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial …, 2022
Kilowatt Femtosecond Lasers for High Productivity
J Pouysegur, V Gruson, D Ferachou, J Loyez, A Godin, M Delaigue, ...
2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2021
Kilowatt femtosecond laser with high precision triggering and flexible burst shapes
J Pouysegur, V Gruson, A Godin, M Delaigue, F Baratange, E Mottay, ...
Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial …, 2021
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