Sonia Brahimi
Sonia Brahimi
Institut de Physique du Globe (IPGS) (UMR CNRS/UdS 7516)
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The Tuareg shield terranes revisited and extended towards the northern Gondwana margin: Magnetic and gravimetric constraints
S Brahimi, JP Liégeois, JF Ghienne, M Munschy, A Bourmatte
Earth-Science Reviews 185, 572-599, 2018
Deciphering channel networks from aeromagnetic potential field data: The case of the North Sea Quaternary tunnel valleys
S Brahimi, P Le Maire, JF Ghienne, M Munschy
Geophysical Journal International 220 (2), 1447-1462, 2020
Large-scale, flat-lying mafic intrusions in the Baltican crust and their influence on basement deformation during the Caledonian orogeny
R Lescoutre, B Almqvist, H Koyi, T Berthet, P Hedin, O Galland, S Brahimi, ...
GSA Bulletin 134 (11-12), 3022-3048, 2022
Structure of the basement beneath the Illizi Basin: insights from the reinterpretation of an aeromagnetic survey
S Brahimi, A Bourmatte, JF Ghienne, M Munschy
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-14882, 2016
Large-scale flat-lying mafic intrusions in the granitic Baltica crust of central Sweden and implications for basement deformation during Caledonian orogeny
R Lescoutre, B Almqvist, H Koyi, O Galland, P Hedin, S Brahimi, H Lorenz, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-6121, 2021
Le temple funéraire de Padiamenopé dans l'environement de l'Assassif-Rapport d'activité 2016-2017
F Colin, B Gavazzi, S Brahimi
Université de Strasbourg, 2018
Potential field data constraints for Tuareg Shield terrane boundaries and extended towards the northern Gondwana margin
S Brahimi, JP Liégeois, JF Ghienne, M Munschy, A Bourmatte
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