David A Reid
David A Reid
Restoration Science Coordinator, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
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Diversity in geoscience: Participation, behaviour, and the division of scientific labour at a Canadian geoscience conference
L King, L MacKenzie, M Tadaki, S Cannon, K McFarlane, D Reid, ...
Facets 3 (1), 415-440, 2018
Geomorphic and ecological consequences of riprap placement in river systems
D Reid, M Church
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51 (4), 1043-1059, 2015
Simulated wood budgets in two mountain streams
MA Hassan, S Bird, D Reid, D Hogan
Geomorphology 259, 119-133, 2016
Variable hillslope‐channel coupling and channel characteristics of forested mountain streams in glaciated landscapes
MA Hassan, S Bird, D Reid, C Ferrer‐Boix, D Hogan, F Brardinoni, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (3), 736-751, 2019
Spatial and temporal patterns of sediment storage over 45 years in Carnation Creek BC, a previously glaciated mountain catchment
D Reid, M Hassan, S Bird, D Hogan
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2019
Response of In‐Stream Wood to Riparian Timber Harvesting: Field Observations and Long‐Term Projections
DA Reid, MA Hassan
Water Resources Research, 2020
Does variable channel morphology lead to dynamic salmon habitat?
D Reid, M Hassan, S Bird, R Pike, P Tschaplinski
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2020
Characterization of morphological units in a small, forested stream using close-range remotely piloted aircraft imagery
C Helm, MA Hassan, D Reid
Earth Surface Dynamics 8 (4), 913-929, 2020
Reach‐scale contributions of road‐surface sediment to the Honna River, Haida Gwaii, BC
DA Reid, MA Hassan, W Floyd
Hydrological processes 30 (19), 3450-3465, 2016
Geomorphic controls on sediment mobility and channel stability of a riffle-pool gravel bed channel
MA Hassan, C McDowell, M Saletti, DA Reid, J Caulkins, J Wang
Recent trends in river corridor management: Select proceedings of RCRM 2021 …, 2022
Implications of legacy watershed disturbances for channel structure and salmon habitat availability under different low-flow levels: an analysis of 45 years of discharge …
DA Reid, R Pike, S Bird, P Tschaplinski, D Wilford
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2020
Race and gender still an issue at academic conferences
S Cannon, DA Reid, K McFarlane, L King, L MacKenzie, M Tadaki, ...
The Conversation 22, 2018
Glacial landscape configuration influences channel response to flooding
DA Reid, MA Hassan, R McCleary
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2021
Influence of Lateral Connectivity on Channel Characteristics in (Post) Glacial Landscapes
MA Hassan, M Turley, DA Reid, S Bird, P Abbey
International Conference on River Corridor Research and Management, 3-29, 2022
BEDFLOW: integrating river morphodynamics in the Sillaro River across spatial and temporal scales
F Brardinoni, AR Bernardi, F Bonazzi, G Caputo, M Hassan, S Pittau, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10800, 2020
Sediment supply conditions and channel response to 2017 and 2018 flood events in Guichon Creek
D Reid
BC. Technical report prepared for Fraser Basin Council, Kamloops, BC …, 2020
A conceptual model on the influence of logjam formation on longitudinal and lateral sediment dynamics in forested streams
MA Hassan, C McDowell, S Bird, DA Reid, M Turley, D Hogan
Geomorphology 458, 109260, 2024
Using Small Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (sUAS) for Characterizing Rivers and Streams in Forested Environments
DA Reid, MA Hassan, C Helm, S Bird
sUAS Applications in Geography, 301-325, 2022
Evaluation of historical and ongoing geomorphic change along the lower Bonaparte River and tributaries
DA Reid
Technical report prepared for Fraser Basin Council, B.C. 10.13140/RG.2.2 …, 2021
Rapid and objective characterization of channel morphology in a small, forested stream
C Helm, MA Hassan, D Reid
Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions 2020, 1-25, 2020
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