Shannon J. Peake
Shannon J. Peake
Research Assistant Professor, Center for Translational Neuroscience, University of Oregon
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Self-development: integrating cognitive, socioemotional, and neuroimaging perspectives
JH Pfeifer, SJ Peake
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 2 (1), 55-69, 2012
Risk-taking and social exclusion in adolescence: Neural mechanisms underlying peer influences on decision-making
SJ Peake, TJ Dishion, EA Stormshak, WE Moore, JH Pfeifer
NeuroImage 82, 23-34, 2013
Longitudinal change in the neural bases of adolescent social self-evaluations: effects of age and pubertal development
JH Pfeifer, LE Kahn, JS Merchant, SJ Peake, K Veroude, CL Masten, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (17), 7415-7419, 2013
Patterns of brain activation in foster children and nonmaltreated children during an inhibitory control task
J Bruce, PA Fisher, AM Graham, WE Moore, SJ Peake, AM Mannering
Development and psychopathology 25 (4pt1), 931-941, 2013
Learning to play it safe (or not): Stable and evolving neural responses during adolescent risky decision-making
LE Kahn, SJ Peake, TJ Dishion, EA Stormshak, JH Pfeifer
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27 (1), 13-25, 2015
Feeling left out or just surprised? Neural correlates of social exclusion and overinclusion in adolescence
TW Cheng, N Vijayakumar, JC Flournoy, Z Op de Macks, SJ Peake, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 20, 340-355, 2020
Novel insights from the Yellow Light Game: Safe and risky decisions differentially impact adolescent outcome-related brain function
ZAO de Macks, JE Flannery, SJ Peake, JC Flournoy, A Mobasser, ...
NeuroImage 181, 568-581, 2018
Expectations of social consequences impact anticipated involvement in health‐risk behavior during adolescence
JL Andrews, KL Mills, JC Flournoy, JE Flannery, A Mobasser, G Ross, ...
Journal of Research on Adolescence 30 (4), 1008-1024, 2020
The effectiveness of keep for families of children with developmental delays: Integrating find video coaching into parent management training—oregon model: A randomized trial
MR Salisbury, LE Roos, SR Horn, SJ Peake, PA Fisher
Prevention Science 23 (6), 1029-1040, 2022
Self-development: integrating cognitive, socioemotional, and neuroimaging perspectives. Dev. Cogn. Neurosci. 2 (1), 55–69
JH Pfeifer, SJ Peake
Self-development: integrating cognitive, socioemotional, and neuroimaging perspectives. Dev. Cogn. Neurosci. 2, 55–69
JH Pfeifer, SJ Peake
Rethinking adolescent risk-taking: Perception of social risk impacts expected involvement in health-risk behaviour during adolescence
J Andrews, K Mills, J Flournoy, J Flannery, A Mobasser, G Ross, M Durnin, ...
PsyArXiv, 2019
Susceptibility to peer influence, social exclusion, and adolescent risky decisions
S Peake
University of Oregon, 2016
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