Christian Lemer
Christian Lemer
在 ulb.ac.be 的电子邮件经过验证
The BioPAX community standard for pathway data sharing
E Demir, MP Cary, S Paley, K Fukuda, C Lemer, I Vastrik, G Wu, ...
Nature biotechnology 28 (9), 935-942, 2010
CYGD: the comprehensive yeast genome database
U Güldener, M Münsterkötter, G Kastenmüller, N Strack, J van Helden, ...
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl_1), D364-D368, 2005
Protein structure prediction by threading methods: evaluation of current techniques
CMR Lemer, MJ Rooman, SJ Wodak
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 23 (3), 337-355, 1995
The aMAZE LightBench: a web interface to a relational database of cellular processes
C Lemer, E Antezana, F Couche, F Fays, X Santolaria, R Janky, Y Deville, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 32 (suppl_1), D443-D448, 2004
From molecular activities and processes to biological function
J van Helden, A Naim, C Lemer, R Mancuso, M Eldridge, SJ Wodak
Briefings in Bioinformatics 2 (1), 81-93, 2001
AMAZE: A database of molecular function, interactions and biochemical processes
C Lemer, A Naim, Y Zhang, D Croes, GN Cohen, G Mukherjee, ...
proceedings of molecular informatics on confronting complexity, 13th–16th …, 2002
Erratum: Corrigendum: The BioPAX community standard for pathway data sharing
E Demir, MP Cary, S Paley, K Fukuda, C Lemer, I Vastrik, G Wu, ...
Springer Science+ Business Media, 2012
Representing and Analyzing Biochemical Networks Using BioMaze
Y Deville, C Lemer, S Wodak
Introduction to Systems Biology, 484-507, 2007
Article de périodique (Journal article)
C Lemer, E Antezana, F Couche, F Fays, X Santolaria, R Janky, Y Deville, ...
Design methodology for a bioinformatic application: the case of aMAZE
C Lemer, J Richelle, SJ Wodak
Nucleic acids research Volume: 33 ISSN: 1362-4962 ISO Abbreviation: Nucleic Acids Res. Publication Date: 2005 Jan
U Güldener, M Münsterkötter, G Kastenmüller, N Strack, J van Helden, ...
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An Object-Oriented Data Model for Signal Transduction
Y Deville, D Gilbert, C Lemer, J van Helden, SJ Wodak
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