Prof. Dr. Michael Kaeding
Prof. Dr. Michael Kaeding
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Europeanization beyond the goodness of fit: Domestic politics in the forefront
E Mastenbroek, M Kaeding
Comparative European Politics 4, 331-354, 2006
Determinants of transposition delay in the European Union
M Kaeding
Journal of public Policy 26 (3), 229-253, 2006
Rapporteurship allocation in the European Parliament: Information or distribution?
M Kaeding
European Union Politics 5 (3), 353-371, 2004
Mapping out political Europe: Coalition patterns in EU decision-making
M Kaeding, TJ Selck
International Political Science Review 26 (3), 271-290, 2005
Regulatory governance through agencies of the European Union? The role of the European agencies for maritime and aviation safety in the implementation of European transport …
M Groenleer, M Kaeding, E Versluis
Journal of European Public Policy 17 (8), 1212-1230, 2010
The E uropean P arliament and the Future of Comitology after L isbon
M Kaeding, A Hardacre
European Law Journal 19 (3), 382-403, 2013
Reconsidering the European Parliament’s legislative influence: Formal vs. informal procedures
FM Häge, M Kaeding
European Integration 29 (3), 341-361, 2007
Lost in translation or full steam ahead: The transposition of EU transport directives across member states
M Kaeding
European Union Politics 9 (1), 115-143, 2008
The transposition of EC Directives: a comparative study of instruments, techniques and processes in six EU Member States
B Steunenberg, WJM Voermans
Leiden University, Leiden/Research and Documentation Centre (WODC) of the …, 2006
The world of committee reports: rapporteurship assignment in the European Parliament
M Kaeding
The Journal of Legislative Studies 11 (1), 82-104, 2005
‘As time goes by’: Explaining the transposition of maritime directives1
B Steunenberg, M Kaeding
European journal of political research 48 (3), 432-454, 2009
Better regulation in the European Union: lost in translation or full steam ahead?: the transposition of EU transport directives across member states
M Kaeding
Better regulation in the European Union: lost in translation or full steam …, 2007
The international bargaining power of the European Union in ‘mixed’competence negotiations: The case of the 2000 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
M Rhinard, M Kaeding
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (5), 1023-1050, 2006
Policy coherence for development in the eu Council: strategies for the way forward
C Egenhofer, L Van Schaik
CEPS, 2006
Towards an effective European single market: Implementing the various forms of European Policy Instruments across Member States
M Kaeding
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Report allocation in the European Parliament after eastern enlargement
S Hurka, M Kaeding
Journal of European Public Policy 19 (4), 512-529, 2012
Practical implementation in six member states
M Kaeding, J Schmälter, C Klika, M Kaeding, J Schmälter, C Klika
Pharmacovigilance in the European Union: Practical Implementation across …, 2017
Europawahl 2014 Spitzenkandidaten, Protestparteien und Nichtwähler
M Kaeding, N Switek
Die Europawahl 2014: Spitzenkandidaten, Protestparteien, Nichtwähler, 17-30, 2015
Learning on the job? EU enlargement and the assignment of (shadow) rapporteurships in the European Parliament
S Hurka, M Kaeding, L Obholzer
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 53 (6), 1230-1247, 2015
Divergent interests and different success rates: France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom in EU legislative negotiations
TJ Selck, M Kaeding
French Politics 2, 81-95, 2004
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