Karlein Schreurs
Karlein Schreurs
Hoogleraar psychologie, Universiteit Twente
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Acceptance-based interventions for the treatment of chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
MM Veehof, MJ Oskam, KMG Schreurs, ET Bohlmeijer
Pain® 152 (3), 533-542, 2011
Acceptance-and mindfulness-based interventions for the treatment of chronic pain: a meta-analytic review
MM Veehof, HR Trompetter, ET Bohlmeijer, KMG Schreurs
Cognitive behaviour therapy 45 (1), 5-31, 2016
Cut-off points for mild, moderate, and severe pain on the numeric rating scale for pain in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: variability and influence of sex and …
AM Boonstra, RE Stewart, AJA Köke, RFA Oosterwijk, JL Swaan, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1466, 2016
Effectiveness of interventions adopting a whole school approach to enhancing social and emotional development: a meta-analysis
JM Goldberg, M Sklad, TR Elfrink, KMG Schreurs, ET Bohlmeijer, ...
European Journal of psychology of Education 34, 755-782, 2019
Acceptance and commitment therapy as guided self-help for psychological distress and positive mental health: a randomized controlled trial
M Fledderus, ET Bohlmeijer, ME Pieterse, KMG Schreurs
Psychological medicine 42 (3), 485-495, 2012
Internet-based guided self-help intervention for chronic pain based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: a randomized controlled trial
HR Trompetter, ET Bohlmeijer, MM Veehof, KMG Schreurs
Journal of behavioral medicine 38, 66-80, 2015
Developing interventions for chronically ill patients: is coping a helpful concept?
D de Ridder, K Schreurs
Clinical psychology review 21 (2), 205-240, 2001
Integration of coping and social support perspectives: Implications for the study of adaptation to chronic diseases
KMG Schreurs, DTD de Ridder
Clinical Psychology Review 17 (1), 89-112, 1997
Measuring values and committed action with the Engaged Living Scale (ELS): psychometric evaluation in a nonclinical sample and a chronic pain sample.
HR Trompetter, PM Ten Klooster, KMG Schreurs, M Fledderus, ...
Psychological assessment 25 (4), 1235, 2013
The role of psychological flexibility in a self-help acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for psychological distress in a randomized controlled trial
M Fledderus, ET Bohlmeijer, JP Fox, KMG Schreurs, P Spinhoven
Behaviour research and therapy 51 (3), 142-151, 2013
Acceptance and commitment therapy as a web-based intervention for depressive symptoms: randomised controlled trial
WTM Pots, M Fledderus, PAM Meulenbeek, PM ten Klooster, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 208 (1), 69-77, 2016
Self-efficacy and overprotection are related to quality of life, psychological well-being and self-management in cardiac patients
K Joekes, T Van Elderen, K Schreurs
Journal of health psychology 12 (1), 4-16, 2007
Gender differences in fatigue: biopsychosocial factors relating to fatigue in men and women
JM Bensing, RL Hulsman, KMG Schreurs
Medical care 37 (10), 1078-1083, 1999
Development, content, and process evaluation of a short self-management intervention in patients with chronic diseases requiring self-care behaviours
KMG Schreurs, VT Colland, RG Kuijer, DTD de Ridder, T van Elderen
Patient education and counseling 51 (2), 133-141, 2003
The relative benefits of being optimistic: Optimism as a coping resource in multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease
D De Ridder, K Schreurs, J Bensing
British Journal of Health Psychology 5 (2), 141-155, 2000
Compassion-focused therapy as guided self-help for enhancing public mental health: A randomized controlled trial.
MPJ Sommers-Spijkerman, HR Trompetter, KMG Schreurs, ET Bohlmeijer
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 86 (2), 101, 2018
Coping, social support and chronic disease: a research agenda
D Ridder, K Schreurs
Psychology, Health & Medicine 1 (1), 71-82, 1996
Psychological flexibility and catastrophizing as associated change mechanisms during online Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for chronic pain
HR Trompetter, ET Bohlmeijer, JP Fox, KMG Schreurs
Behaviour research and therapy 74, 50-59, 2015
Fatigue in multiple sclerosis: reciprocal relationships with physical disabilities and depression
KMG Schreurs, DTD de Ridder, JM Bensing
Journal of psychosomatic research 53 (3), 775-781, 2002
Health-related quality of life in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: development and validation of a lupus specific symptom checklist
C Grootscholten, G Ligtenberg, R Derksen, KMG Schreurs, ...
Quality of Life Research 12, 635-644, 2003
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