Gabriela Carmen Pascariu
Gabriela Carmen Pascariu
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Evaluating the determinants of EU funds absorption across old and new member states–The role of administrative capacity and political governance
C Incaltarau, GC Pascariu, NC Surubaru
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 58 (4), 941-961, 2020
Economie politică
I Ignat, I Pohoaţă, G Luţac, GC Pascariu
Editura Economică, 2002
Determinants and implications of the tourism multiplier effect in EU economies. Towards a core-periphery pattern?
GC Pascariu, BC Ibănescu
Amfiteatru Economic 20 (12), 982-997, 2018
Resilience and the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood Countries
G Rouet, GC Pascariu
HAL Post-Print, 2019
Tourism and sustainable regional development in Romania and France: An approach from the perspective of new economic geography
GC Pascariu, R Tiganasu
Amfiteatru Economic Journal 16 (Special No. 8), 1089-1109, 2014
Administrative capacity, structural funds absorption and development. Evidence from central and eastern European countries
R Tiganasu, C Incaltarau, GC Pascariu
Romanian J. Eur. Aff. 18, 39, 2018
Eastern versus southern peripherality in the EU: The study from the perspective of centre-periphery model
GC Pascariu, R Frunza
Transformations in Business & Economics 10 (2B), 590-611, 2011
Competitiveness, fiscal policy and corruption: evidence from Central and Eastern European countries
R Tiganasu, G Pascariu, D Lupu
Oeconomia Copernicana 13 (3), 667-698, 2022
Integration, growth and core-periphery pattern in EU’s economy: Theoretical framework and empirical evidences
GC Pascariu, R Ţigănaşu
Core-Periphery Patterns Across the European Union: Case Studies and Lessons …, 2017
Competitiveness, fiscal policy and corruption: evidence from Central and Eastern European countries. Oeconomia Copernicana, 13 (3), 667-698
R Tiganasu, G Pascariu, D Lupu
Smart city: A critical assessment of the concept and its implementation in Romanian urban strategies
BC Ibănescu, GC Pascariu, A Bănică, I Bejenaru
Journal of Urban Management 11 (2), 246-255, 2022
Tourism and economic resilience: Implications for regional policies
GC Pascariu, BC Ibănescu, P Nijkamp, K Kourtit
Tourism and Regional Science: New Roads, 129-147, 2021
Core-periphery patterns across the European Union: Case studies and lessons from Eastern and Southern Europe
GC Pascariu, MAPDS Duarte
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017
Growth and convergence in Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries since the dissolution of the USSR—embarking on different development paths?
C Incaltarau, I Sharipov, GC Pascariu, TL Moga
Development Policy Review 40 (1), e12547, 2022
The EU and Russia shifting away from the economic logic of interdependence–An explanation through the complex interdependence theory
LM Simionov
European Integration Studies, 120-137, 2017
Migration, regional growth and convergence: a spatial econometric study on Romania
C Incaltarau, GC Pascariu, A Duarte, P Nijkamp
The Annals of Regional Science 66, 497-532, 2021
Institutional adaptability: Its relevance for enhancing resilience and smart specialization capacity of the European Union’s lagging regions
P Nijkamp, R Ţigănaşu, A Bănică, GC Pascariu
Eurasian Geography and Economics 65 (1), 1-33, 2024
A meta-overview and bibliometric analysis of resilience in spatial planning–the relevance of place-based approaches
GC Pascariu, A Banica, P Nijkamp
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 16 (3), 1097-1127, 2023
Towards smart (er) resilient cities. Evidences from Romanian urban areas
A Bănică, M Eva, E Corodescu-Roșca, BC Ibănescu, AM Opria, ...
Geografie-Sbornik CGS 125 (4), 397-422, 2020
Romania and the Republilc of Moldova: Between the European neighbourhood policy and the prospect of EU enlargement
A Pop, G Pascariu, G Angliţoiu, A Purcăruş
Pre-Accession Impact Studies III, 2005
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