Zach Nixon
Zach Nixon
Research Planning, Inc.
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Extent and Degree of Shoreline Oiling: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico, USA
et al. Michel J, Owens EH, Zengel S, Graham A, Nixon Z
PLOS One 8 (6), e65087, 2013
Shoreline oiling from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Z Nixon, S Zengel, M Baker, M Steinhoff, G Fricano, S Rouhani, J Michel
Marine pollution bulletin 107 (1), 170-178, 2016
Heavily oiled salt marsh following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, ecological comparisons of shoreline cleanup treatments and recovery
S Zengel, BM Bernik, N Rutherford, Z Nixon, J Michel
PloS one 10 (7), e0132324, 2015
Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Salt Marsh Periwinkles (Littoraria irrorata)
S Zengel, CL Montague, SC Pennings, SP Powers, M Steinhoff, G Fricano, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (2), 643-652, 2016
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impacts on Salt Marsh Fiddler Crabs (Uca spp.)
S Zengel, SC Pennings, B Silliman, C Montague, J Weaver, DR Deis, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 39, 1154-1163, 2016
A Review of distribution and quantity of lingering subsurface oil from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Z Nixon, J Michel
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 147, 20-26, 2018
Recovery of interior brackish marshes seven years after the chalk point oil spill
J Michel, Z Nixon, J Dahlin, D Betenbaugh, M White, D Burton, S Turley
Marine Pollution Bulletin 58 (7), 995-1006, 2009
Five years of Deepwater Horizon oil spill effects on marsh periwinkles Littoraria irrorata
S Zengel, J Weaver, SC Pennings, B Silliman, DR Deis, CL Montague, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 576, 135-144, 2017
Nearshore exposure to Deepwater Horizon oil
S Rouhani, MC Baker, M Steinhoff, M Zhang, J Oehrig, IJ Zelo, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 576, 111-124, 2017
Predictive Modeling of Subsurface Shoreline Oil Encounter Probability from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska
Z Nixon, J Michel
Environmental science & technology 47 (7), 4354–4361, 2015
Salt Marsh Remediation and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, the Role of Planting in Vegetation and Macroinvertebrate Recovery
S Zengel, N Rutherford, B Bernik, Z Nixon, J Michel
International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 2014 (1), 1985-1999, 2014
Geomorphic Factors Related to the Persistence of Subsurface Oil from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Z Nixon, J Michel, MO Hayes, GV Irvine, J Short
Journal of Coastal Research, 115 – 127, 2013
Evaluation of oil remediation technologies for lingering oil from the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska
JM Michel, Z Nixon, L Cotsapas
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, 2006
Abandoned vessels: impacts to coral reefs, seagrass, and mangroves in the US Caribbean and pacific territories with implications for removal
C Lord-Boring, IJ Zelo, ZJ Nixon
Marine Technology Society Journal 38 (3), 26-35, 2004
Assessment of marine oil spill risk and environmental vulnerability for the state of Alaska
DA Reich, R Balouskus, DF McCay, J Fontenault, J Rowe, ...
Prepared by RPS ASA Environmental Research Consulting, Research Planning …, 2014
Planting after shoreline cleanup treatment improves salt marsh vegetation recovery following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
S Zengel, N Rutherford, BM Bernik, J Weaver, M Zhang, Z Nixon, J Michel
Ecological Engineering 169, 106288, 2021
Three Years of Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT) for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico, USA
J Michel, Z Nixon, W Holton, M White, S Zengel, F Csulak, N Rutherford, ...
International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 2014 (1), 1251-1266, 2014
Development of the Gulf of Mexico marine debris model
Z Nixon, N Barnea
Distribution of subsurface oil from the Exxon Valdez oil spill
JM Michel, Z Nixon, MO Hayes, JW Short, GV Irvine, D Betenbaug, ...
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, 2010
Modeling the distribution of lingering subsurface oil from the exxon valdez oil spill
J Michel, Z Nixon, MO Hayes, J Short, G Irvine, D Betenbaugh, C Boring
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Project Final Report (Restoration Project …, 2009
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