kartik venkataraman
21 st century drought outlook for major climate divisions of Texas based on CMIP5 multimodel ensemble: Implications for water resource management
K Venkataraman, S Tummuri, A Medina, J Perry
Journal of Hydrology 534, 300-316, 2016
Developing Climate Model Ensembles: A Comparative Case Study
J Crawford, K Venkataraman, J Booth
Journal of Hydrology 568, 160-173, 2019
Modeling simultaneous exceedance of drinking-water standards of arsenic and nitrate in the Southern Ogallala aquifer using multinomial logistic regression
K Venkataraman, V Uddameri
Journal of Hydrology 458, 16-27, 2012
Reconnaissance of Groundwater Quality Impact
S Kurwadkar, K Venkataraman
Water Environment Research 85 (10), 1700-1714, 2013
Occurrence, distribution, and speciation of arsenic in the Southern High Plains Aquifer System
K Venkataraman
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 2010
Sustainable Practices in Civil Engineering - Select Proceedings of SPICE 2019. Springer Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
S Ramanagopal, M Latha Gali, K Venkataraman, [ Editors]
Springer Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 79, 2020
A GIS-based evaluation of risks due to trihalomethane exposure during showering in coastal Texas
K Venkataraman, V Uddameri
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 14 (4), 551-564, 2012
Comparison of Two Temperature-Based Methods of Estimating Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) in Texas
K Venkataraman, M Nelson, C Frandsen
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016, 699-708, 2016
Hydrologic Trends in the Upper Nueces River Basin of Texas—Implications for Water Resource Management and Ecological Health
D Thomas, K Venkataraman, V Chraibi, N Kannan
Hydrology 6 (1), 20, 2019
Assessing the effect of initial vapor-phase concentrations on inhalation risks of disinfection-by-products (DBP) in multi-use shower facilities
V Uddameri, K Venkataraman
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 15 (4), 591-606, 2013
Investigating the causes of reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations in Kickapoo Creek, TX
N Kannan, K Venkataraman, J Stroebel, L Taylor
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194, 2022
Reliable Predictors of Arsenic Occurrence in the Southern Gulf Coast Aquifer of Texas
K Venkataraman, JW Lozano
Geosciences 8 (5), 1-19, 2018
Low flow trends in Texas stream segments serving unique hydrologic functions
K Venkataraman, N Kannan, V Chraibi
Texas Water Journal 14 (1), 3-33, 2023
Analysis of statewide data from the 2012 National Lakes Assessment: Texas – Final Report
V Chraibi, K Venkataraman, M Machen, S Lawless, M Marshall, F Portales
Prepared for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2021
Analysis of statewide data from the 2011 National Wetlands Condition Assessment: Texas – Final Report
V Chraibi, K Venkataraman, F Portales, M Marshall, M Machen, Q Dokken
Prepared for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2020
Modeling the Impact of CAFOs on Nitrate Contamination in the Middle Trinity Aquifer of Central Texas
K Venkataraman, J Crawford, K Emmert
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015, 585-594, 2015
Assessment of Long-Term Drought Characteristics in 14 Major Texas Cities Based on CMIP5 Multi-Model Projections
K Venkataraman, A Medina-Tamayo, JR Perry
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 1073, 2014
Spatial trends in cancer risks due to exposure to arsenic in water supplies in the Southern High Plains of Texas
RJ Myers, K Venkataraman
10th Annual TAMUS Pathways Student Research Symposium, 2012
Mapping Arsenic and Nitrate Exceedance in Southern Ogallala Aquifer
K Venkataraman, V Uddameri
American Water Resources Association Spring Specialty Conference on GIS and …, 2012
GIS Based Mapping of Wind-Powered Desalination Potential in South Texas
K Venkataraman, J Ortegon, V Uddameri, RI Dyke
American Water Resources Association Spring Specialty Conference on GIS and …, 2012
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