Li, Feiyu
Li, Feiyu
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Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA design study
PA Walker, PD Alesini, AS Alexandrova, MP Anania, NE Andreev, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 874 (1), 012029, 2017
Dense attosecond electron sheets from laser wakefields using an up-ramp density transition
FY Li, ZM Sheng, Y Liu, J Meyer-ter-Vehn, WB Mori, W Lu, J Zhang
Physical review letters 110 (13), 135002, 2013
Tunable synchrotron-like radiation from centimeter scale plasma channels
M Chen, J Luo, FY Li, F Liu, ZM Sheng, J Zhang
Light: Science & Applications 5 (1), e16015, 2016
Acceleration and evolution of a hollow electron beam in wakefields driven by a Laguerre-Gaussian laser pulse
GB Zhang, M Chen, CB Schroeder, J Luo, M Zeng, FY Li, LL Yu, ...
Physics of Plasmas 23 (3), 033114, 2016
QED cascade saturation in extreme high fields
W Luo, WY Liu, T Yuan, M Chen, JY Yu, FY Li, D Del Sorbo, CP Ridgers, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 8400, 2018
Three electron beams from a laser-plasma wakefield accelerator and the energy apportioning question
X Yang, E Brunetti, DR Gil, GH Welsh, FY Li, S Cipiccia, B Ersfeld, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-10, 2017
Laser propagation in dense magnetized plasma
SX Luan, W Yu, FY Li, D Wu, ZM Sheng, MY Yu, J Zhang
Physical Review E 94 (5), 053207, 2016
Enhanced electron-positron pair production by two obliquely incident lasers interacting with a solid target
W Luo, SD Wu, WY Liu, YY Ma, FY Li, T Yuan, JY Yu, M Chen, ZM Sheng
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60 (9), 095006, 2018
Control of focusing fields for positron acceleration in nonlinear plasma wakes using multiple laser modes
LL Yu, CB Schroeder, FY Li, C Benedetti, M Chen, SM Weng, ZM Sheng, ...
Physics of Plasmas 21 (12), 120702, 2014
Influence of strong magnetic fields on laser pulse propagation in underdense plasma
TC Wilson, FY Li, M Weikum, ZM Sheng
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 (6), 065002, 2017
Vacuum laser acceleration of super-ponderomotive electrons using relativistic transparency injection
PK Singh, FY Li, CK Huang, A Moreau, R Hollinger, A Junghans, A Favalli, ...
Nature communications 13, 2022
EuPRAXIA–a compact, cost-efficient particle and radiation source
MK Weikum, T Akhter, PD Alesini, AS Alexandrova, MP Anania, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2160 (1), 040012, 2019
Robust relativistic electron mirrors in laser wakefields for enhanced Thomson backscattering
J Mu, FY Li, M Zeng, M Chen, ZM Sheng, J Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 103 (26), 261114, 2013
Radially polarized, half-cycle, attosecond pulses from laser wakefields through coherent synchrotronlike radiation
FY Li, ZM Sheng, M Chen, LL Yu, J Meyer-ter-Vehn, WB Mori, J Zhang
Physical Review E 90 (4), 043104, 2014
Laser pulse compression towards collapse and beyond in plasma
TC Wilson, FY Li, SM Weng, M Chen, P McKenna, ZM Sheng
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 52 (5), 055403, 2019
Improved electron beam quality from external injection in laser-driven plasma acceleration at SINBAD
M Weikum, RW Assmann, U Dorda, AF Pousa, T Heinemann, FY Li, ...
8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf.(IPAC'17), Copenhagen, Denmark, 14â 19 …, 2017
Spectrum bandwidth narrowing of Thomson scattering X-rays with energy chirped electron beams from laser wakefield acceleration
T Xu, M Chen, FY Li, LL Yu, ZM Sheng, J Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 104 (1), 013903, 2014
EuPRAXIA, a Step Toward a Plasma-Wakefield Based Accelerator With High Beam Quality
PAP Nghiem, D Alesini, A Aschikhin, RW Assmann, T Audet, A Beck, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1350 (1), 012068, 2019
Generation of attosecond electron bunches in a laser-plasma accelerator using a plasma density upramp
MK Weikum, FY Li, RW Assmann, ZM Sheng, D Jaroszynski
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
Coherent kilo-electron-volt backscattering from plasma-wave boosted relativistic electron mirrors
FY Li, ZM Sheng, M Chen, HC Wu, Y Liu, J Meyer-ter-Vehn, WB Mori, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105, 161102, 2014
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