Christina Schonberg
Christina Schonberg
IXL Learning
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Multilab Direct Replication of Flavell, Beach, and Chinsky (1966): Spontaneous Verbal Rehearsal in a Memory Task as a Function of Age
EM Elliott, CC Morey, AM AuBuchon, N Cowan, C Jarrold, EJ Adams, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 4 (2 …, 2021
Does bilingual experience affect early visual perceptual development?
C Schonberg, CM Sandhofer, T Tsang, SP Johnson
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 93684, 2014
The roles of item repetition and position in infants’ abstract rule learning
C Schonberg, GF Marcus, SP Johnson
Infant Behavior and Development 53, 64-80, 2018
Effects of past language experience and present language context on the shape bias in Spanish–English bilingual children
CC Schonberg, EE Russell, ML Luna
Developmental Science 23 (2), e12879, 2020
Two-year-olds’ executive functioning: The influence of task-specific vocabulary knowledge
CC Schonberg, N Atagi, CM Sandhofer
Infant Behavior and Development 53, 33-42, 2018
Multiple examples support children’s word learning: The roles of aggregation, decontextualization, and memory dynamics
C Sandhofer, C Schonberg
Language and Concept Acquisition from Infancy Through Childhood: Learning …, 2020
Lexical access speed and the development of phonological recoding during immediate serial recall
AM AuBuchon, EM Elliott, CC Morey, C Jarrold, N Cowan, EJ Adams, ...
Journal of Cognition and Development 23 (5), 624-643, 2022
The impact of IXL on math and ELA learning in Colorado: A quasi-experimental study
C Schonberg
Research Report. https://www. ixl. com/research/Impact-of-IXL-in-Colorado. pdf, 2021
What does a radical exemplar view not predict? A commentary on Ambridge (2020)
M Zettersten, C Schonberg, G Lupyan
First Language 40 (5-6), 636-639, 2020
Predicting Preschool Enrollment Among Hispanic WIC Participants in Los Angeles County
C Schonberg, BM Goodale, MK Doerfel
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 36 (2), 125-135, 2019
Wordful: Tracking early productive vocab‐ulary growth with smartphones
S Meylan, M Braginsky, B deMayo, A Sanchez, C Schonberg, ...
Behavior Research Methods 1, 8, 2019
When time shifts the boundaries: Isolating the role of forgetting in children’s changing category representations
ML Knabe, CC Schonberg, HA Vlach
Journal of Memory and Language 132, 104447, 2023
Children’s knowledge of superordinate words predicts subsequent inductive reasoning
E Suffill, C Schonberg, HA Vlach, G Lupyan
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 221, 105449, 2022
The role of syntactic cues in monolingual and bilingual two-year-olds’ novel word disambiguation
S Rochanavibhata, N Atagi, C Schonberg, CM Sandhofer
Infant Behavior and Development 68, 101753, 2022
Demonstrating Grade-Level Predictive Validity of the IXL Real-Time Diagnostic Using the Virginia SOL as Criterion
C Schonberg
IXL. https://www. ixl. com/research/IXL_Real-Time_Diagnostic_Grade …, 2021
The roles of item repetition and position in infant sequence learning.
C Schonberg, G Marcus, S Johnson
CogSci, 2017
Does the public know what researchers know? Perceived task difficulty impacts adults’ intuitions about children’s early word learning
ML Knabe, CC Schonberg, HA Vlach
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 8 (1), 45, 2023
The role of syntactic cues in monolingual and bilingual two-year-olds' novel word
S Rochanavibhata, N Atagi, C Schonberg
The Impact of IXL on ELA Learning in a Louisiana School District
C Schonberg
The Impact of IXL on ACT English and ACT Reading Performance in Tennessee
C Schonberg
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