RML: A generic language for integrated RDF mappings of heterogeneous data. A Dimou, M Vander Sande, P Colpaert, R Verborgh, E Mannens, ... Ldow 1184, 2014 | 667 | 2014 |
Querying datasets on the web with high availability R Verborgh, O Hartig, B De Meester, G Haesendonck, L De Vocht, ... The Semantic Web–ISWC 2014: 13th International Semantic Web Conference, Riva …, 2014 | 177 | 2014 |
Guiding the choice of learning dashboard visualizations: Linking dashboard design and data visualization concepts G Sedrakyan, E Mannens, K Verbert Journal of Computer Languages 50, 19-38, 2019 | 158 | 2019 |
Web-Scale Querying through Linked Data Fragments. R Verborgh, M Vander Sande, P Colpaert, S Coppens, E Mannens, ... LDOW, 2014 | 142 | 2014 |
" Technology readiness and acceptance model" as a predictor for the use intention of data standards in smart cities M Compernolle, R Buyle, E Mannens, Z Vanlishout, E Vlassenroot, ... Media and Communication 6 (4), 127-139, 2018 | 98 | 2018 |
XML to RDF conversion: a generic approach D Van Deursen, C Poppe, G Martens, E Mannens, R Van de Walle 2008 International conference on automated solutions for cross media content …, 2008 | 79 | 2008 |
RMLEditor: a graph-based mapping editor for linked data mappings P Heyvaert, A Dimou, AL Herregodts, R Verborgh, D Schuurman, ... The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains: 13th International …, 2016 | 78 | 2016 |
Assessing and refining mappingsto rdf to improve dataset quality A Dimou, D Kontokostas, M Freudenberg, R Verborgh, J Lehmann, ... The Semantic Web-ISWC 2015: 14th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2015 | 78 | 2015 |
Git2PROV: Exposing Version Control System Content as W3C PROV. T De Nies, S Magliacane, R Verborgh, S Coppens, P Groth, E Mannens, ... ISWC (Posters & Demos), 125-128, 2013 | 71 | 2013 |
An ontology to semantically declare and describe functions B De Meester, A Dimou, R Verborgh, E Mannens The Semantic Web: ESWC 2016 Satellite Events, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May …, 2016 | 62 | 2016 |
R&Wbase: git for triples. M Vander Sande, P Colpaert, R Verborgh, S Coppens, E Mannens, ... LDOW 996, 2013 | 57 | 2013 |
Mapping hierarchical sources into RDF using the RML mapping language A Dimou, M Vander Sande, J Slepicka, P Szekely, E Mannens, ... 2014 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, 151-158, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
Declarative data transformations for Linked Data generation: the case of DBpedia B De Meester, W Maroy, A Dimou, R Verborgh, E Mannens The Semantic Web: 14th International Conference, ESWC 2017, Portorož …, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |
The 5 stars of open data portals P Colpaert, S Joye, P Mechant, E Mannens, R Van de Walle Proceedings MeTTeG 7, 61-67, 2013 | 48 | 2013 |
Media fragments URI 1.0 R Troncy, E Mannens, S Pfeiffer, DV Deursen W3C candidate recommendation, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
Automated metadata generation for Linked Data generation and publishing workflows A Dimou, T De Nies, R Verborgh, E Mannens, P Mechant, R Van de Walle LDOW2016, 1-10, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |
Discovering meaningful connections between resources in the web of data L De Vocht, S Coppens, R Verborgh, M Vander Sande, E Mannens, ... 6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web, 2013 | 46 | 2013 |
The MASSIF platform: a modular and semantic platform for the development of flexible IoT services P Bonte, F Ongenae, F De Backere, J Schaballie, D Arndt, S Verstichel, ... Knowledge and Information Systems 51, 89-126, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Clustering media items stemming from multiple social networks T Steiner, R Verborgh, J Gabarro, E Mannens, R Van de Walle The Computer Journal 58 (9), 1861-1875, 2015 | 45* | 2015 |
Evaluating the success of vocabulary reconciliation for cultural heritage collections S Van Hooland, R Verborgh, M De Wilde, J Hercher, E Mannens, ... Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64 (3 …, 2013 | 42 | 2013 |