Young Min Yang
Young Min Yang
Professor, NUIST, China Researcher, International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii
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Historical change of El Niño properties sheds light on future changes of extreme El Niño
B Wang, X Luo, YM Yang, W Sun, MA Cane, W Cai, SW Yeh, J Liu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (45), 22512-22517, 2019
The NUIST Earth System Model (NESM) version 3: description and preliminary evaluation
J Cao, B Wang, YM Yang, L Ma, J Li, B Sun, Y Bao, J He, X Zhou, L Wu
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (7), 2975-2993, 2018
The Goddard Cumulus Ensemble model (GCE): Improvements and applications for studying precipitation processes
WK Tao, S Lang, X Zeng, X Li, T Matsui, K Mohr, D Posselt, J Chern, ...
Atmospheric Research 143, 392-424, 2014
The role of SST structure in convectively coupled Kelvin–Rossby waves and its implications for MJO formation
IS Kang, F Liu, MS Ahn, YM Yang, B Wang
Journal of climate 26 (16), 5915-5930, 2013
Mean sea surface temperature changes influence ENSO-related precipitation changes in the mid-latitudes
YM Yang, JH Park, SI An, B Wang, X Luo
Nature communications 12 (1), 1495, 2021
A global-scale multidecadal variability driven by Atlantic multidecadal oscillation
YM Yang, SI An, B Wang, JH Park
National Science Review, 2020
Mid-latitude leading double-dip La Niña
JH Park, SI An, JS Kug, YM Yang, T Li, HS Jo
Int. J. Climatol 41, E1353-E1370, 2021
“Warm Arctic‐Cold Siberia” as an Internal Mode Instigated by North Atlantic Warming
C Jin, B Wang, YM Yang, J Liu
Geophysical Research Letter 47 (9), 1-10, 2020
Saudi-KAU coupled global climate model: description and performance
M Almazroui, O Tayeb, AS Mashat, A Yousef, YA Al-Turki, MA Abid, ...
Earth Systems and Environment 1, 1-23, 2017
GCMs with implicit and explicit representation of cloud microphysics for simulation of extreme precipitation frequency
IS Kang, YM Yang, WK Tao
Climate Dynamics 45, 325-335, 2015
Sanguinarine is an allosteric activator of AMP-activated protein kinase
J Choi, N He, MK Sung, Y Yang, S Yoon
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 413 (2), 259-263, 2011
Improving MJO simulation by enhancing the interaction between boundary layer convergence and lower tropospheric heating
YM Yang, B Wang
Climate Dynamics 52, 4671-4693, 2019
Retrospective seasonal prediction of summer monsoon rainfall over West Central and Peninsular India in the past 142 years
J Li, B Wang, YM Yang
Climate Dynamics 48, 2581-2596, 2017
Improved historical simulation by enhancing moist physical parameterizations in the climate system model NESM3. 0
YM Yang, B Wang, J Cao, L Ma, J Li
Climate Dynamics 54 (7), 3819-3840, 2020
Mechanisms of northward propagation of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation revealed by climate model experiments
YM Yang, B Wang, JY Lee
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (6), 3417-3425, 2019
Understanding the recent increase in multiyear La Niñas
B Wang, W Sun, C Jin, X Luo, YM Yang, T Li, B Xiang, MJ McPhaden, ...
Nature Climate Change 13 (10), 1075-1081, 2023
Diagnostic metrics for evaluating model simulations of the East Asian monsoon
J Li, B Wang, YM Yang
Journal of Climate 33 (5), 1777-1801, 2020
Role of the climatological intertropical convergence zone in the seasonal footprinting mechanism of El Niño–Southern Oscillation
JH Park, MK Sung, YM Yang, J Zhao, SI An, JS Kug
Journal of Climate 34 (13), 5243-5256, 2021
Evaluation of NESMv3 and CMIP5 models’ performance on simulation of Asian-Australian monsoon
J Li, YM Yang, B Wang
Atmosphere 9 (9), 327, 2018
Dominant process for northward propagation of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation over the Western North Pacific
YM Yang, JY Lee, B Wang
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (22), e2020GL089808, 2020
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