Google Econometrics and Unemployment Forecasting N Askitas, KF Zimmermann Applied Economics Quarterly 55, 107 - 129, 2009 | 884 | 2009 |
Assessment of Possible Migration Pressure and its Labour Market Impact Following EU Enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe TK Bauer, KF Zimmermann IZA Research Report No. 3, 1999 | 715 | 1999 |
Immigration policy, assimilation of immigrants, and natives' sentiments towards immigrants: Evidence from 12 OECD countries TK Bauer, M Lofstrom, KF Zimmermann Swedish Economic Policy Review 7, 11-53, 2000 | 695 | 2000 |
Pseudo‐R2 Measures for Some Common Limited Dependent Variable Models MR Veall, KF Zimmermann Journal of Economic Surveys 10 (3), 241-259, 2006 | 662* | 2006 |
Tackling the European Migration Problem KF Zimmermann Journal of Economic Perspectives 9 (2), 45-62, 1995 | 634 | 1995 |
A Road Map to Vocational Education and Training in Industrialized Countries W Eichhorst, N Rodríguez-Planas, R Schmidl, KF Zimmermann Industrial and Labor Relations Review (ILRR) 68 (2), 314-337, 2015 | 582* | 2015 |
Is Child like Parent? Educational Attainment and Ethnic Origin I Gang, KF Zimmermann Journal of Human Resources 35, 550-569, 2000 | 538 | 2000 |
European Migration: Push and Pull KF Zimmermann International Regional Science Review 19 (1-2), 95-128, 1996 | 489 | 1996 |
Youth Unemployment and Vocational Training KF Zimmermann, C Biavaschi, W Eichhorst, C Giulietti, MJ Kendzia, ... Foundations and Trends® in Microeconomics 9, 1-157, 2013 | 451* | 2013 |
The Making of Entrepreneurs in Germany: Are Native Men and Immigrants Alike? A Constant, KF Zimmermann Small Business Economics 26 (3), 279-300, 2006 | 433 | 2006 |
Native Wage Impacts of Foreign Labor: A Random Effects Panel Analysis JP de New, KF Zimmermann Journal of Population Economics 7 (2), 177-192, 1994 | 378 | 1994 |
Recent Developments in Count Data Modelling: Theory and Application R Winkelmann, KF Zimmermann Journal of Economic Surveys 9 (1), 1-24, 1995 | 360 | 1995 |
Scale, diversity, and determinants of labour migration in Europe A Zaiceva, KF Zimmermann Oxford Review of Economic Policy 24 (3), 427-451, 2008 | 339 | 2008 |
European Migration: What do we know? KF Zimmermann Oxford University Press, 2005 | 326 | 2005 |
Savings, Remittances, and Return Migration L Merkle, KF Zimmermann Economics Letters 38 (1), 77-81, 1992 | 303 | 1992 |
Measuring ethnic identity and its impact on economic behavior AF Constant, KF Zimmermann Journal of the European Economic Association 6 (2-3), 424-433, 2008 | 300 | 2008 |
Circular and repeat migration: counts of exits and years away from the host country AF Constant, KF Zimmermann Population Research and Policy Review 30, 495-515, 2011 | 293* | 2011 |
Ethnosizing Immigrants AF Constant, L Gataullina, KF Zimmermann Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 69 (3), 274-287, 2009 | 290 | 2009 |
EU labor markets after post-enlargement migration M Kahanec, KF Zimmermann Springer, 2010 | 287 | 2010 |
Managing Migration in the European Welfare State H Brücker, GS Epstein, B McCormick, G Saint-Paul, A Venturini, ... Immigration Policy and the Welfare System, Oxford University Press, Oxford …, 2002 | 287 | 2002 |