Bibliographic portrait of the Gini concentration ratio GM Giorgi Metron 48, 183-221, 1990 | 130 | 1990 |
The Gini concentration index: a review of the inference literature GM Giorgi, C Gigliarano Journal of Economic Surveys 31 (4), 1130-1148, 2017 | 118 | 2017 |
A look at the Bonferroni inequality measure in a reliability framework GM Giorgi, M Crescienzi Statistica 61 (4), 571-583, 2001 | 82 | 2001 |
Gini’s scientific work: an ever green GM Giorgi Metron 63, 299-315, 2005 | 66 | 2005 |
A fresh look at the topical interest GM Giorgi Metron 51 (1-2), 83-98, 1993 | 64 | 1993 |
Concentration Index, B onferroni GM Giorgi Encyclopedia of statistical sciences 2, 2004 | 62 | 2004 |
Income inequality measurement: the statistical approach GM Giorgi Handbook of income inequality measurement, 245-267, 1999 | 52 | 1999 |
Bonferroni and Gini indices for various parametric families of distributions GM Giorgi, S Nadarajah Metron 68, 23-46, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
Sampling distribution of the Bonferroni inequality index from exponential population GM Giorgi, R Mondani Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 10-18, 1995 | 45 | 1995 |
A proposal of poverty measures based on the Bonferroni inequality index GM Giorgi, M Crescenzi Metron 59 (3-4), 3-16, 2001 | 42 | 2001 |
Il rapporto di concentrazione di Gini: genesi, evoluzione ed una bibliografia commentata GM Giorgi Libreria Ticci, 1992 | 40 | 1992 |
The Gini inequality index decomposition: An evolutionary study GM Giorgi The measurement of individual well-being and group inequalities, 185-218, 2013 | 37 | 2013 |
Early Gini’s contributions to inequality measurement and statistical inference A Forcina, GM Giorgi Electronic journal for history of probability and statistics 1 (1), 2005 | 31 | 2005 |
Corrado Gini: the man and the scientist GM Giorgi Metron 69 (1), 1-28, 2011 | 27 | 2011 |
A methodological survey of recent studies for the measurement of inequality of economic welfare carried out by some Italian statisticians G Giorgi University Library of Munich, Germany, 2005 | 24 | 2005 |
A fuzzy logic approach to poverty analysis based on the Gini and Bonferroni inequality indices P Giordani, GM Giorgi Statistical Methods & Applications 19, 587-607, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
About a general method for the lower and upper distribution-free bound on Gini's concentration ratio from grouped data GM Giorgi, A Pallini Statistica 47 (2), 171-184, 1987 | 22 | 1987 |
Celebrating the memory of Corrado Gini: a personality out of the ordinary GM Giorgi, S Gubbiotti International Statistical Review 85 (2), 325-339, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Bayesian estimation of the Bonferroni index from a Pareto-type I population GM Giorgi, M Crescenzi Statistical Methods and Applications 10, 41-48, 2001 | 19 | 2001 |
The exact sampling distribution of the Bonferroni concentration index GM Giorgi, R Mondani Metron 52, 5-41, 1994 | 19 | 1994 |