Ignasi de-Pouplana
Ignasi de-Pouplana
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC); CIMNE
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Combination of a non-local damage model for quasi-brittle materials with a mesh-adaptive finite element technique
I De-Pouplana, E Oñate
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 112, 26-39, 2016
A FIC‐based stabilized mixed finite element method with equal order interpolation for solid–pore fluid interaction problems
I de‐Pouplana, E Oñate
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2017
A review on thermo-mechanical modelling of arch dams during construction and operation: Effect of the reference temperature on the stress field
F Salazar, DJ Vicente, J Irazábal, I De-Pouplana, J San Mauro
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 27, 1681-1707, 2020
A Lagrangian–Eulerian procedure for the coupled solution of the Navier–Stokes and shallow water equations for landslide-generated waves
M Masó, A Franci, I De-Pouplana, A Cornejo, E Oñate
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 9 (1), 15, 2022
PFEM–DEM for particle-laden flows with free surface
A Franci, I de-Pouplana, G Casas, MÁ Celigueta, J González-Usúa, ...
Computational Particle Mechanics 7, 101-120, 2020
Semi-Lagrangian formulation for the advection–diffusion–absorption equation
A Puigferrat, M Masó, I De-Pouplana, G Casas, E Oñate
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 380, 113807, 2021
FIC–FEM formulation for the multidimensional transient advection–diffusion–absorption equation
A Puigferrat, I de-Pouplana, E Oñate
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 365, 112984, 2020
A FIC-FEM procedure for the shallow water equations over partially wet domains
M Masó, I De-Pouplana, E Oñate
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 389, 114362, 2022
Finite element modelling of fracture propagation in saturated media using quasi-zero-thickness interface elements
I de-Pouplana, E Oñate
Computers and Geotechnics 96, 103-117, 2018
Numerical prediction of the distribution of black carbon in a street canyon using a semi-Lagrangian finite element formulation
A Puigferrat, I De-Pouplana, F Amato, E Oñate
Building and Environment 199, 107910, 2021
An isotropic damage model for geomaterials in the KRATOS framework
I Pouplana Sarda
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015
Numerical simulation of particle impact drilling (PID) systems: a one-way coupled approach
G Casas, I De-Pouplana, R Gandikota, E Oñate
Computational Particle Mechanics, 1-23, 2022
Cracking of a concrete arch dam due to seasonal temperature variations
I Pouplana Sarda, L Gracia, F Salazar González, ...
Proceedings of the 14th ICOLD International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical …, 2017
A prototype of a micro-scale model for the distribution of NO2 in urban areas
I de-Pouplana, S Latorre, M Masó, C Alonso, E Pérez, X Guinart, ...
Atmospheric Pollution Research 14 (2), 101668, 2023
Computer-aided design and analysis of arch dams
F Salazar, J San Mauro, DJ Vicente, CM Baena, C Granell, L Gracia, ...
Proc. 14th International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams …, 2017
Embedded Finite Element formulation for fluid flow in fractured porous medium
D Cavalcanti, C Mejia, D Roehl, I de-Pouplana, G Casas, LF Martha
Computers and Geotechnics 171, 106384, 2024
Explicit time integration scheme with large time steps for first order transient problems using finite increment calculus
E Oñate, I de Pouplana, F Zárate
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 402, 115332, 2022
Coupling shallow water models with three-dimensional models for the study of fluid-structure interaction problems using the particle finite element method
M Maso Sotomayor
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022
Un procedimiento Lagrangiano-Euleriano para la solución acoplada de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes y aguas poco profundas para olas generadas por deslizamientos de laderas
M Masó, I de Pouplana, A Franci, A Cornejo, E Oñate
Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering CMN 2022 (2022. Las Palmas de …, 2022
Hydromechanical embedded finite element for conductive and impermeable strong discontinuities in porous media
D Cavalcanti, C Mejia, D Roehl, I de-Pouplana, E Oñate
Computers and Geotechnics 172, 106427, 2024
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