Elizabeth DuPre
Elizabeth DuPre
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fMRIPrep: a robust preprocessing pipeline for functional MRI
O Esteban, CJ Markiewicz, RW Blair, CA Moodie, AI Isik, A Erramuzpe, ...
Nature methods 16 (1), 111-116, 2019
Goal-congruent default network activity facilitates cognitive control
RN Spreng, E DuPre, D Selarka, J Garcia, S Gojkovic, J Mildner, WM Luh, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (42), 14108-14114, 2014
Analysis of task-based functional MRI data preprocessed with fMRIPrep
O Esteban, R Ciric, K Finc, RW Blair, CJ Markiewicz, CA Moodie, JD Kent, ...
Nature protocols 15 (7), 2186-2202, 2020
KJ Gorgolewski, O Esteban, CJ Markiewicz, E Ziegler, DG Ellis, MP Notter, ...
Software. Zenodo. https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo 596855, 2018
Semanticized autobiographical memory and the default–executive coupling hypothesis of aging
RN Spreng, AW Lockrow, E DuPre, R Setton, KAP Spreng, GR Turner
Neuropsychologia 110, 37-43, 2018
Structural covariance networks across the life span, from 6 to 94 years of age
E DuPre, RN Spreng
Network Neuroscience 1 (3), 302-323, 2017
Financial exploitation is associated with structural and functional brain differences in healthy older adults
RN Spreng, BN Cassidy, BS Darboh, E DuPre, AW Lockrow, R Setton, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences …, 2017
Multi-echo fMRI replication sample of autobiographical memory, prospection and theory of mind reasoning tasks
E DuPre, WM Luh, RN Spreng
Scientific data 3 (1), 1-9, 2016
TE-dependent analysis of multi-echo fMRI with tedana
E DuPre, T Salo, Z Ahmed, PA Bandettini, KL Bottenhorn, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (66), 3669, 2021
Understanding the impact of preprocessing pipelines on neuroimaging cortical surface analyses
N Bhagwat, A Barry, EW Dickie, ST Brown, GA Devenyi, K Hatano, ...
GigaScience 10 (1), giaa155, 2021
PyBIDS: Python tools for BIDS datasets
T Yarkoni, C Markiewicz, A de la Vega, K Gorgolewski, T Salo, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (40), 1294, 2019
Structural covariance reveals alterations in control and salience network integrity in chronic schizophrenia
RN Spreng, E DuPre, JL Ji, G Yang, C Diehl, JD Murray, GD Pearlson, ...
Cerebral Cortex 29 (12), 5269-5284, 2019
Nature abhors a paywall: How open science can realize the potential of naturalistic stimuli
E DuPre, M Hanke, JB Poline
NeuroImage 216, 116330, 2020
Rumination is a sticky form of spontaneous thought
E DuPre, RN Spreng
The Oxford Handbook of Spontaneous Thought, 509-520, 2018
Embracing diversity and inclusivity in an academic setting: Insights from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping
A Tzovara, I Amarreh, V Borghesani, MM Chakravarty, E DuPre, ...
NeuroImage 229, 117742, 2021
Centering inclusivity in the design of online conferences—An OHBM–Open Science perspective
E Levitis, CDG van Praag, R Gau, S Heunis, E DuPre, G Kiar, ...
GigaScience 10 (8), giab051, 2021
An empirical evaluation of functional alignment using inter-subject decoding
T Bazeille, E Dupre, H Richard, JB Poline, B Thirion
NeuroImage 245, 118683, 2021
Neurocognitive aging data release with behavioral, structural and multi-echo functional MRI measures
RN Spreng, R Setton, U Alter, BN Cassidy, B Darboh, E DuPre, ...
Scientific Data 9 (1), 1-11, 2022
Beyond advertising: New infrastructures for publishing integrated research objects
E DuPre, C Holdgraf, A Karakuzu, L Tetrel, P Bellec, N Stikov, JB Poline
PLOS Computational Biology 18 (1), e1009651, 2022
NeuroLibre: A preprint server for full-fledged reproducible neuroscience
A Karakuzu, E DuPre, L Tetrel, P Bermudez, M Boudreau, M Chin, ...
OSF Preprints, 2022
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