Sangram K. Pradhan
Micro-Raman and XPS studies of pure ZnO ceramics
J Das, SK Pradhan, DR Sahu, DK Mishra, SN Sarangi, BB Nayak, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 405 (10), 2492-2497, 2010
Resistive switching behavior of reduced graphene oxide memory cells for low power nonvolatile device application
SK Pradhan, B Xiao, S Mishra, A Killam, AK Pradhan
Scientific reports 6 (1), 1-9, 2016
Effect of holmium substitution for the improvement of multiferroic properties of BiFeO3
SK Pradhan, J Das, PP Rout, VR Mohanta, SK Das, S Samantray, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 71 (11), 1557-1564, 2010
Effect of Gd doping on structural, electrical and magnetic properties of BiFeO3 electroceramic
SK Pradhan, BK Roul
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72 (10), 1180-1187, 2011
Electrical behavior of high resistivity Ce-doped BiFeO3 multiferroic
SK Pradhan, BK Roul
Physica B: Condensed Matter 407 (13), 2527-2532, 2012
Enhanced photo-response in p-Si/MoS2 heterojunction-based solar cells
SK Pradhan, B Xiao, AK Pradhan
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 144, 117-127, 2016
Defect driven multiferroicity in Gd doped BiFeO3 at room temperature
SK Pradhan, J Das, PP Rout, SK Das, DK Mishra, DR Sahu, AK Pradhan, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (22), 3614-3622, 2010
Improvement of multiferroic and leakage property in monophasic BiFeO3
SK Pradhan, BK Roul
Physica B: Condensed Matter 406 (17), 3313-3317, 2011
Correlation between structural, electrical and magnetic properties of GdMnO3 bulk ceramics
S Samantaray, DK Mishra, SK Pradhan, P Mishra, BR Sekhar, D Behera, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 339, 168-174, 2013
Effect of equiproprotional substitution of Zn and Mn in BaTiO3 ceramic—An index to multiferroic applications
SK Das, PP Rout, SK Pradhan, BK Roul
Journal of Advanced Ceramics 1, 241-248, 2012
A thin film efficient pn-junction thermoelectric device fabricated by self-align shadow mask
G Kogo, B Xiao, S Danquah, H Lee, J Niyogushima, K Yarbrough, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1067, 2020
Room temperature ferroelectricity in multiferroic HoMnO3 ceramics
PP Rout, SK Pradhan, SK Das, BK Roul
Physica B: Condensed Matter 407 (12), 2072-2077, 2012
Lead-free relaxor-ferroelectric thin films for energy harvesting from low-grade waste-heat
AP Sharma, MK Behera, DK Pradhan, SK Pradhan, CE Bonner, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-10, 2021
Large energy storage density performance of epitaxial BCT/BZT heterostructures via interface engineering
AP Sharma, DK Pradhan, SK Pradhan, M Bahoura
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 16809, 2019
RF magnetron-sputtered Al–ZnO/Ag/Al–ZnO (AAA) multilayer electrode for transparent and flexible thin-film heater
MK Roul, SK Pradhan, KD Song, MJ Bahoura
Journal of Materials Science, 1-10, 2019
Topographically engineered large scale nanostructures for plasmonic biosensing
B Xiao, SK Pradhan, KC Santiago, GN Rutherford, AK Pradhan
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 24385, 2016
Enhanced optical transmission and Fano resonance through a nanostructured metal thin film
B Xiao, SK Pradhan, KC Santiago, GN Rutherford, AK Pradhan
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10393, 2015
Energy band alignment of high-k oxide heterostructures at MoS2/Al2O3 and MoS2/ZrO2 interfaces
SK Pradhan, B Xiao, AK Pradhan
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (12), 2016
Enhancement of ferromagnetism and multiferroicity in Ho doped Fe rich BiFeO3
SK Pradhan, BK Roul, DR Sahu
Solid state communications 152 (13), 1176-1180, 2012
No room temperature ferromagnetism in Mn over-doped Zn1− xMnxO (x> 0.02)
J Das, DK Mishra, DR Sahu, SK Pradhan, BK Roul
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 323 (5), 641-645, 2011
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