André Leon Sampaio Gradvohl
André Leon Sampaio Gradvohl
其他姓名Andre L S Gradvohl
Faculdade de Tecnologia - Universidade Estadual de Campinas
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Comparing Distributed Online Stream Processing Systems Considering Fault Tolerance Issues
ALS Gradvohl, H Senger, L Arantes, P Sens
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence 6 (2), 174-179, 2014
Solar flare forecasting using time series and extreme gradient boosting ensembles
T Cinto, ALS Gradvohl, GP Coelho, AEA Da Silva
Solar Physics 295 (7), 93, 2020
A framework for designing and evaluating solar flare forecasting systems
T Cinto, ALS Gradvohl, GP Coelho, AEA da Silva
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495 (3), 3332-3349, 2020
Machine learning techniques applied to solar flares forecasting
F Ribeiro, ALS Gradvohl
Astronomy and Computing 35, 100468, 2021
Obsolescência acelerada de produtos tecnológicos e os impactos na sustentabilidade da produção
AC Zambon, ANAEADA SILVA, GB Baioco, ALS Gradvohl, PIG Nunes
RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie 16, 231-258, 2015
An approach for interactive television based on insertion of hypermedia information in MPEG standard video
AS Gradvohl, Y Iano
IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, 2004, 25-30, 2004
A comparative study of feature selection methods for binary text streams classification
MB De Moraes, ALS Gradvohl
Evolving systems 12 (4), 997-1013, 2021
Automatic analysis of magnetograms for identification and classification of active regions using Deep Learning
LS de Oliveira, ALS Gradvohl
Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada 12 (2), 67-79, 2020
Matching interactive tv and hypervideo
ALS Gradvohl, Y Iano
IEEE Latin America Transactions 5 (8), 579-584, 2007
TV interativa baseada na inclusão de informações hipermidia em videos no padrão MPEG
ALS Gradvohl
[sn], 2005
MOAFS: A Massive Online Analysis library for feature selection in data streams
MB de Moraes, ALS Gradvohl
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (45), 1970, 2020
Investigating metrics to build a benchmark tool for complex event processing systems
ALS Gradvohl
2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and …, 2016
Solar filaments detection using parallel programming in hybrid architectures
F Andrijauskas, ALS Gradvohl
Proceedings of the 2012 workshop on High-Performance Computing for Astronomy …, 2012
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence
V Gupta, GS Lehal
A survey of text summarization extractive techniques 2 (3), 2010
Combinando TV interativa e hipervideo
ALS Gradvohl, Y Iano
IEEE Latin america transactions 5 (8), 579, 2007
An optimized training approach for meteor detection with an attention mechanism to improve robustness on limited data
VY Shirasuna, ALS Gradvohl
Astronomy and Computing 45, 100753, 2023
Boosting the Engagement of Undergraduate Students in the Class Activities through Gamification
ALS Gradvohl
Inovações Curriculares, 24-28, 2017
HCI in South America: current status and future directions
FA de Almeida, A Gradvohl, L Meneghetti
CHI 98 Conference Summary on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 384, 1998
Implementações paralelas para o algoritmo Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine aplicado à previsão de material particulado
LFL Grim, JAB Barajas, ALS Gradvohl
Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada 11 (2), 13-21, 2019
High-Performance Ensembles of Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine for Regression and Time Series Forecasting
LFL Grim, ALS Gradvohl
2018 30th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2018
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