Katerina Papagiannaki
The automatic weather stations NOANN network of the National Observatory of Athens: Operation and database
K Lagouvardos, V Kotroni, A Bezes, I Koletsis, T Kopania, S Lykoudis, ...
Geoscience Data Journal 4 (1), 4-16, 2017
Decomposition analysis of CO2 emissions from passenger cars: The cases of Greece and Denmark
K Papagiannaki, D Diakoulaki
Energy Policy 37 (8), 3259-3267, 2009
A database of high-impact weather events in Greece: a descriptive impact analysis for the period 2001-2011.
K Papagiannaki, K Lagouvardos, V Kotroni
Natural Hazards & Earth System Sciences 13 (3), 727– 736, 2013
Flash flood occurrence and relation to the rainfall hazard in a highly urbanized area
K Papagiannaki, K Lagouvardos, V Kotroni, A Bezes
Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 15 (8), 1859-1871, 2015
Flood fatalities in Europe, 1980–2018: Variability, features, and lessons to learn
O Petrucci, L Aceto, C Bianchi, V Bigot, R Brázdil, S Pereira, A Kahraman, ...
Water 11 (8), 1682, 2019
MEFF: The database of Mediterranean flood fatalities (1980 to 2015)
O Petrucci, K Papagiannaki, L Aceto, L Boissier, V Kotroni, M Grimalt, ...
Journal of Flood Risk Management 12 (2), e12461, 2019
Agricultural losses related to frost events: Use of the 850 hPa level temperature as an explanatory variable of the damage cost
K Papagiannaki, K Lagouvardos, V Kotroni, G Papagiannakis
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (9), 2375-2386, 2014
Urban area response to flash flood–triggering rainfall, featuring human behavioral factors: The case of 22 October 2015 in Attica, Greece
K Papagiannaki, V Kotroni, K Lagouvardos, I Ruin, A Bezes
Weather, climate, and society 9 (3), 621-638, 2017
Mapping flood-related mortality in the Mediterranean basin. Results from the MEFF v2. 0 DB
F Vinet, V Bigot, O Petrucci, K Papagiannaki, MC Llasat, V Kotroni, ...
Water 11 (10), 2196, 2019
Hydrogeological and climatological risks perception in a multi-hazard environment: The case of Greece
K Papagiannaki, M Diakakis, V Kotroni, K Lagouvardos, E Andreadakis
Water 11 (9), 1770, 2019
How awareness and confidence affect flood-risk precautionary behavior of Greek citizens: The role of perceptual and emotional mechanisms
K Papagiannaki, V Kotroni, K Lagouvardos, G Papagiannakis
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (7), 1329-1346, 2019
Weather-related thresholds for wildfire danger in a Mediterranean region: The case of Greece
K Papagiannaki, TM Giannaros, S Lykoudis, V Kotroni, K Lagouvardos
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 291, 108076, 2020
Developing a large-scale dataset of flood fatalities for territories in the Euro-Mediterranean region, FFEM-DB
K Papagiannaki, O Petrucci, M Diakakis, V Kotroni, L Aceto, C Bianchi, ...
Scientific data 9 (1), 166, 2022
Hydrometeorological and socio-economic impact assessment of stream flooding in southeast mediterranean: the case of rafina catchment (Attica, Greece)
C Giannaros, V Kotroni, K Lagouvardos, C Oikonomou, H Haralambous, ...
Water 12 (9), 2426, 2020
DISARM early warning system for wildfires in the eastern Mediterranean
V Kotroni, C Cartalis, S Michaelides, J Stoyanova, F Tymvios, A Bezes, ...
Sustainability 12 (16), 6670, 2020
The Impact of Climate Change on the Pattern of Demand for Bottled Water and Non‐Alcoholic Beverages
S Mirasgedis, E Georgopoulou, Y Sarafidis, K Papagiannaki, DP Lalas
Business Strategy and the Environment 23 (4), 272-288, 2014
Flood fatalities in Europe, 1980–2018: variability, features, and lessons to learn, Water, 11, 1682
O Petrucci, L Aceto, C Bianchi, V Bigot, R Brázdil, S Pereira, A Kahraman, ...
MEFF: The database of MEditerranean Flood Fatalities (1980 to 2015), J. Flood Risk Manage., 12, e12461
O Petrucci, K Papagiannaki, L Aceto, L Boissier, V Kotroni, M Grimalt, ...
Storm naming in the Eastern Mediterranean: Procedures, events review and impact on the citizens risk perception and readiness
V Kotroni, K Lagouvardos, A Bezes, S Dafis, E Galanaki, C Giannaros, ...
Atmosphere 12 (11), 1537, 2021
Flash Flood Risk and Vulnerability Analysis in Urban Areas: The Case of October 22, 2015, in Attica, Greece
K Papagiannaki, V Kotroni, K Lagouvardos, A Bezes
Perspectives on atmospheric sciences, 217-223, 2017
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