Hoang Van Sam
Hoang Van Sam
Prof. Vietnam National University of Forestry
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Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests
JWF Slik, J Franklin, V Arroyo-Rodríguez, R Field, S Aguilar, N Aguirre, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (8), 1837-1842, 2018
Traditional medicinal plants in Ben En national park, Vietnam
H Van Sam, P Baas, PJA KEßLER
Blumea-Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 53 (3), 569-601, 2008
The global abundance of tree palms
R Muscarella, T Emilio, OL Phillips, SL Lewis, F Slik, WJ Baker, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (9), 1495-1514, 2020
Uses and conservation of plant species in a national park—a case study of Ben En, Vietnam
S Van Hoang, P Baas, PJA Keβler
Economic botany 62 (4), 574-593, 2008
Both temperature fluctuations and East Asian monsoons have driven plant diversification in the karst ecosystems from southern China
H Kong, FL Condamine, AJ Harris, J Chen, B Pan, M Möller, VS Hoang, ...
Molecular Ecology 26 (22), 6414-6429, 2017
Trees of Laos and Vietnam: A field guide to 100 economically or ecologically important species
H Van Sam, K Nanthavong, PJA Kessler
Blumea-Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 49 (2-3), 201-349, 2004
Ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants in traditional markets of Son La province, Vietnam.
TS Nguyen, NH Xia, TV Chu, HV Sam
The red list of oaks 2020
C Carrero, D Jerome, E Beckman, A Byrne, AJ Coombes, M Deng, ...
The Morton Arboretum: Lisle, IL, USA, 5, 2020
Human and environmental influences on plant diversity and composition in Ben En National Park, Vietnam
VS Hoang, P Baas, PJA Keßler, JWF Slik, HT Steege, N Raes
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 328-337, 2011
Global biogeographic synthesis and priority conservation regions of the relict tree family Juglandaceae
YG Song, Y Fragnière, HH Meng, Y Li, S Bétrisey, A Corrales, ...
Journal of biogeography 47 (3), 643-657, 2020
Wingnuts (" Pterocarya") & walnut family: Relict trees: Linking the past, present and future
G Kozlowski, YG Song, S Bétrisey, EV Alvarado, S Bétrisey
Natural History Museum, 2018
Uses and conservation of plant diversity in Ben En National Park, Viet Nam
HV Sam
PhD thesis. Leiden University. Netherlands, 2009
A combination of deep learning and hand-designed feature for plant identification based on leaf and flower images
T Thanh-Nhan Nguyen, TL Le, H Vu, HH Nguyen, VS Hoang
Advanced Topics in Intelligent Information and Database Systems 9, 223-233, 2017
Past, present and future suitable areas for the relict tree Pterocarya fraxinifolia (Juglandaceae): Integrating fossil records, niche modeling, and phylogeography for …
YG Song, Ł Walas, M Pietras, HV Sâm, H Yousefzadeh, T Ok, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 140, 1323-1339, 2021
Contribution of forest to rural households' livelihood: evidences from Da river basin in the northwest mountainous region of Vietnam.
T Van Chu, TQ Thoai, CQ An, PM Toai, LD Camacho, H Van Sam
Crowdsourcing for botanical data collection towards to automatic plant identification: a review
TTN Nguyen, TL Le, H Vu, VS Hoang, TH Tran
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 155, 412-425, 2018
Revision of Annesijoa, Elateriospermum and the introduced species of Hevea in Malesia (Euphorbiaceae)
H Van Sam, PEEC VAn WELzEn
Blumea-Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 49 (2-3), 425-440, 2004
Earthworm diversity, forest conversion and agroforestry in Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
R Mulia, SV Hoang, VM Dinh, NBT Duong, AD Nguyen, DH Lam, ...
Land 10 (1), 36, 2021
Indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants among Dao and Muong ethnic minority groups in Ba Vi National Park, Hanoi
H Van Sam
Seed 7 (2), 7, 2012
Towards an automatic plant identification system without dedicated dataset
TTN Nguyen, TL Le, H Vu, VS Hoang
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing 9 (1), 26-34, 2019
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