Edgardo Londoño-Cruz
Abundance and distribution patterns of infaunal associates and macroborers of the branched coral (Pocillopora damicornis) in Gorgona Island (Eastern Tropical Pacific)
JR Cantera K, C Orozco, E Londoño-Cruz, G Toro-Farmer
Bulletin of marine science 72 (1), 207-219, 2003
Internal bioerosion by macroborers in Pocillopora spp. in the tropical eastern Pacific
E Londoño-Cruz, JR Cantera, G Toro-Farmer, C Orozco
Marine Ecology Progress Series 265, 289-295, 2003
Growth and survival of Pocillopora damicornis (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae) coral fragments and their potential for coral reef restoration in the Tropical Eastern Pacific
LD Lizcano-Sandoval, E Londoño-Cruz, FA Zapata
Marine biology research 14 (8), 887-897, 2018
Coral reef bioerosion in the eastern tropical Pacific
JJ Alvarado, B Grassian, JR Cantera-Kintz, JL Carballo, E Londoño-Cruz
Coral Reefs of the Eastern Tropical Pacific: Persistence and Loss in a …, 2017
Patrones de distribución y tasas de bioerosión del erizo Centrostephanus coronatus (Diadematoida: Diadematidae), en el arrecife de Playa Blanca, Pacífico colombiano
G Toro-Farmer, JR Cantera, E Londoño-Cruz, C Orozco, R Neira
Revista de Biología Tropical 52 (1), 67-76, 2004
Latitudinal patterns of species diversity on South American rocky shores: local processes lead to contrasting trends in regional and local species diversity
JJ Cruz‐Motta, P Miloslavich, E Guerra‐Castro, A Hernández‐Agreda, ...
Journal of Biogeography 47 (9), 1966-1979, 2020
Distribution of macroinvertebrates on intertidal rocky shores in Gorgona Island, Colombia (Tropical Eastern Pacific)
E Londoño-Cruz, LÁ López de Mesa-Agudelo, F Arias-Galvez, ...
Revista de Biología Tropical 62, 189-198, 2014
Testing scale variance in species–area and abundance–area relationships in a local assemblage: an example from a subtropical boulder shore
E Londono-Cruz, M Tokeshi
Population Ecology 49, 275-285, 2007
Checklist of benthonic marine invertebrates from Malaga Bay (Isla Palma and Los Negritos), Colombian Pacific
D Lozano-Cortés, M Barona, E Londoño-Cruz, F Arias, V Izquierdo, ...
Check List 8 (4), 703-708, 2012
Bioerosión de sustrato rocoso por erizos en bahía Málaga (Colombia), Pacífico tropical
DFL Cortés, EL Cruz, FA Zapata
Revista de Ciencias 15, 9-22, 2011
Optimizing large-scale biodiversity sampling effort
E Montes, JS Lefcheck, E Guerra-Castro, E Klein, MT Kavanaugh, ...
Oceanography 34 (2), 80-91, 2021
Environmental issues of a marine protected area in a tectonic Estuary in the Tropical Eastern Pacific: Uramba (Málaga Bay Colombia): context, biodiversity, threats and challenges
JRC Kintz, E Londoño-Cruz, LM Mejía-Ladino, L Herrera-Orozco, ...
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 5 (11), 1037, 2013
Distribución espacial del ensamblaje de macroinvertebrados asociada al litoral rocoso del PNN Ensenada de Utría, Pacífico Colombiano
DLH Paz, EL Cruz, JF Blanco
Revista de Ciencias 17 (2), 137-149, 2013
Checklist of barnacles (Crustacea; Cirripedia: Thoracica) from the Colombian Pacific
DF Lozano-Cortés, E Londoño-Cruz
Marine Biodiversity 43, 463-471, 2013
First record of the irregular sea urchin Lovenia cordiformis (Echinodermata: Spatangoida: Loveniidae) in Colombia
CG Muñoz, E Londoño-Cruz
Marine Biodiversity Records 9, 1-3, 2016
Boring worms (Sipuncula and Annelida: Polychaeta): their early impact on Eastern Tropical Pacific coral reefs
MF Cardona-Gutiérrez, E Londoño-Cruz
Marine Ecology Progress Series 641, 101-110, 2020
Quantifying the Geometric Shell Shape between Populations of True Limpets Lottia Mesoleuca (Mollusca: Lottidae) in Colombia
AM Echeverry, E Londoño-Cruz, HA Benítez
Animals 10 (4), 675, 2020
Bioerosión por ramoneo en los arrecifes coralinos del Pacífico colombiano: el caso de Diadema mexicanum (Echinoidea: Diadematidae)
LD Obonaga, MG Zucconi, E Londoño-Cruz
Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras 46 (2), 2017
Organismos sésiles y móviles del litoral rocoso: en el Pacífico Colombiano: Una guía visual para su identificación
SD García-Suárez, A Acosta, E Londoño-Cruz, K Cantera
INVEMAR Serie de Documentos Especiales 26, 1-133, 2012
El género Echinolittorina Habe, 1956 (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) de los ecosistemas rocosos de la costa pacífica colombiana
Á Giraldo-Cardona, FL González-Zapata, LÁ López de Mesa-Agudelo, ...
Caldasia 36 (1), 157-164, 2014
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