Adriana Cherri
Adriana Cherri
Departamento de Matemática - UNESP - Bauru
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The one-dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftover–A heuristic approach
AC Cherri, MN Arenales, HH Yanasse
European Journal of Operational Research 196 (3), 897-908, 2009
The one-dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftovers–A survey
AC Cherri, MN Arenales, HH Yanasse, KC Poldi, ACG Vianna
European Journal of Operational Research 236 (2), 395-402, 2014
The usable leftover one‐dimensional cutting stock problem—a priority‐in‐use heuristic
AC Cherri, MN Arenales, HH Yanasse
International Transactions in Operational Research 20 (2), 189-199, 2013
Route optimization in mechanized sugarcane harvesting
E Santoro, EM Soler, AC Cherri
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 141, 140-146, 2017
A new mathematical model for the cutting stock/leftover problem
MN Arenales, AC Cherri, DN Nascimento, A Vianna
Pesquisa Operacional 35 (3), 509-522, 2015
The cutting stock problem with multiple manufacturing modes applied to a construction industry
FK Lemos, AC Cherri, SA de Araujo
International Journal of Production Research 59 (4), 1088-1106, 2021
Sustainable operations: The cutting stock problem with usable leftovers from a sustainable perspective
KR Coelho, AC Cherri, EC Baptista, CJC Jabbour, EM Soler
Journal of cleaner production 167, 545-552, 2017
An original framework for strategic technology development of small manufacturing enterprises in emerging economies
T Nanda, H Gupta, TP Singh, S Kusi-Sarpong, CJC Jabbour, A Cherri
Benchmarking: An International Journal 27 (2), 781-816, 2020
Inferência fuzzy para o problema de corte de estoque com sobras aproveitáveis de material
AC Cherri, DJ Alem Junior, IN Silva
Pesquisa Operacional 31, 173-195, 2011
Mixed integer quadratically-constrained programming model to solve the irregular strip packing problem with continuous rotations
LH Cherri, AC Cherri, EM Soler
Journal of Global Optimization 72, 89-107, 2018
Integrated lot-sizing and one-dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftovers
DN do Nascimento, SA de Araujo, AC Cherri
Annals of Operations Research, 1-19, 2022
Integrated lot-sizing and cutting stock problem applied to the mattress industry
MM Christofoletti, SA de Araujo, AC Cherri
Journal of the Operational Research Society 72 (6), 1279-1293, 2021
The integrated lot sizing and cutting stock problem in an automotive spring factory
PR de Lara Andrade, SA de Araujo, AC Cherri, FK Lemos
Applied Mathematical Modelling 91, 1023-1036, 2021
Algumas extensões do problema de corte de estoque com sobras de material aproveitáveis
AC Cherri
Tese de Doutorado, USP, 2009
An innovative data structure to handle the geometry of nesting problems
LH Cherri, AC Cherri, MA Carravilla, JF Oliveira, FMB Toledo, ...
International Journal of Production Research 56 (23), 7085-7102, 2018
O problema de corte de estoque com reaproveitamento da sobras de material
AC Cherri
São Carlos, 2006
O problema de corte de estoque com rea-proveitamento das sobras de material–heurística ffd modificada
AC Cherri, MN Arenales
Anais do XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, Gramado, 1700-1711, 2005
Strip based compact formulation for two-dimensional guillotine cutting problems
CD Rodrigues, AC Cherri, SA de Araujo
Computers & Operations Research 149, 106044, 2023
The two-dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftovers: mathematical modelling and heuristic approaches
DN do Nascimento, AC Cherri, JF Oliveira
Operational Research 22 (5), 5363-5403, 2022
A stochastic programming approach to the cutting stock problem with usable leftovers
AC Cherri, LH Cherri, BB Oliveira, JF Oliveira, MA Carravilla
European Journal of Operational Research 308 (1), 38-53, 2023
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