Marco Faillo
Marco Faillo
Ricercatore, Dipartimento di Economia e Management, Università degli Studi di Trento
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Organizational capabilities, patterns of knowledge accumulation and governance structures in business firms: an introduction
G Dosi, M Faillo, L Marengo
Organization studies 29 (8-9), 1165-1185, 2008
Conformity, reciprocity and the sense of justice. How social contract-based preferences and beliefs explain norm compliance: the experimental evidence
L Sacconi, M Faillo
Constitutional Political Economy 21, 171-201, 2010
Legitimate punishment, feedback, and the enforcement of cooperation
M Faillo, D Grieco, L Zarri
Games and Economic Behavior 77 (1), 271-283, 2013
Contractarian Compliance and the'Sense of Justice': A Behavioral Conformity Model and Its Experimental Support
L Sacconi, M Faillo, S Ottone
Analyse & Kritik 33 (1), 273-310, 2011
Problem solving and governance in the capability-based view of the firm: The roles and theoretical representations of organizational routines
G Dosi, M Faillo, L Marengo
Handbook of organizational routines, 107-121, 2008
The social contract in the laboratory. An experimental analysis of self-enforcing impartial agreements
M Faillo, S Ottone, L Sacconi
Public Choice 163 (3-4), 225-246, 2015
Norm compliance: the contribution of behavioral economics models
M Faillo, L Sacconi
University of Trento, 2007
Experimental economics as a method for normative business ethics
P Francés-Gómez, L Sacconi, M Faillo
Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (s1), S41-S53, 2015
Let's meet up! The role of relational goods in promoting cooperation
L Becchetti, G Degli Antoni, M Faillo
The Journal of Socio-Economics 39 (6), 661-669, 2010
The roles of level-k and team reasoning in solving coordination games
M Faillo, A Smerilli, R Sugden
Cognitive and Experimental Economics Laboratory Working Paper, 2013
Toward formal representations of search processes and routines in organizational problem solving: an assessment of the state-of-the-art
G Dosi, M Faillo, L Marengo, D Moschella
Seoul Journal of Economics 24 (3), 247-286, 2011
Punishment Mechanisms and Their Effect on Cooperation: A Simulation Study
M Farjam, M Faillo, I Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, P Haselager
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 18 (1), 2015
Can a single theory explain coordination? An experiment on alternative modes of reasoning and the conditions under which they are used
M Faillo, A Smerilli, R Sugden
CBESS Discussion Paper 16 (1), 2016
Come emerge l'impresa sociale?: uno sguardo d'assieme alla teoria della complementarietà tra ideologia, governance e accountability
L Sacconi, M Faillo
Impresa sociale 74 (4), 82-105, 2005
The economic value of a meeting: Evidence from an investment game experiment
L Becchetti, GD Antoni, M Faillo, L Mittone
Rationality and Society 23 (4), 403-426, 2011
Verso una maggiore complessità motivazionale degli agenti economici: teoria ed evidenza empirica
M Faillo
Impresa sociale 4, 43-61, 2005
Thou shalt not steal (from hard-working people) An experiment on respect for property claims
M Faillo, M Rizzolli, S Tontrup
Econometica working papers series, 2016
Team reasoning theory: an experimental analysis of common reason to believe and social distance
L Becchetti, G Degli Antoni, M Faillo
International Review of Economics 60, 269-291, 2013
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