Buyung Hartiyo Laksono
Buyung Hartiyo Laksono
Dosen Pendidik Klinis. Fakultas Kedokteran. Universitas Brawijaya
在 ub.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Manajemen Nyeri Akut Pasca-Kraniotomi
RA Pratama, BH Laksono, AZ Fatoni
Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain 1 (3), 28-38, 2020
Manajemen jalan napas
AA Asmoro, BH Laksono, TA Siswagama
Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2021
Passive release technique produces the most accurate endotracheal tube cuff pressure than manual palpation and minimum occlusive volume technique in the absence of manometer
BH Laksono, I Isngadi, SJ Wicaksono
Turkish Journal of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation 49 (2), 114, 2021
Pembedahan tumor cerebellopontine angle: tehnik proteksi otak, pengawasan sistem kardiorespirasi dan efek manipulasi posisi true lateral
BH Laksono
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia 8 (3), 190-201, 2019
Gangguan natrium pada pasien bedah saraf
BH Laksono, BJ Oetoro, S Rahardjo, SC Saleh
JNI 3 (1), 48-57, 2014
Delta Inferior Vena Cava Index correlated with mean arterial pressure (MAP) in spinal anesthesia
W Jaya, U Abshor, BH Laksono, AZ Fatoni
Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain 2 (2), 65-69, 2021
Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography: Diagnosis dan Monitoring Non Invasif pada Neuroanesthesia dan Neurointesive Care
BH Laksono
JNI 6, 124-31, 2017
Dextrose Prolotherapy for Occipital Neuralgia Management
TA Siswagama, BH Laksono, M Koeshardiandi
Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain 2 (3), 97-104, 2021
Tatalaksana Anestesi pada Prosedur Minimal Invasive Neurosurgery: Kasus Perdarahan Intraserebral Traumatika
BH Laksono, IPP Suarjaya, S Rahardjo, T Bisri
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia 5 (2), 104-12, 2016
Tracheal tubes intracuff pressure difference between neutral head-neck position and lateral rotation In patients with tracheal intubation
BH Laksono, AA Asmoro, RP Adipurna, AZ Fatoni
Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, 101312, 2023
Diabetes Insipidus pada Pasien Pascaoperasi Tumor Hipofisis
E Nofiyanto, BH Laksono
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia 12 (3), 159-168, 2023
Social Service of Pain Management for Patients Unresponsive to Conservative Treatment
RM Laksono, TA Siswagama, BH Laksono, AA Asmoro, P Tulong, ...
Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain 3 (3), 44-47, 2022
Manajemen Perioperatif Trepanasi Dekompresi Subdural Hemorrhage (SDH) dengan Hemofilia A
AS Praniarda, BH Laksono
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia 11 (1), 24-31, 2022
Manajemen Anestesia pada Evakuasi Epidural Haemorrhage (EDH) dengan Pendarahan Masif
N Huda, BH Laksono
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia 10 (1), 29-39, 2021
The ultrasonography is better than the physically-based formula method in estimating the uncuffed tracheal tube size of Indonesian pediatric patients
BH Laksono, R Hartono, MA Arifahmi
Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care 35, 16-20, 2020
Pengaruh Penggunaan Alcohol Swab Terhadap Tingkat Kontaminasi Bakteri pada Blade Laringoskop di Kamar Operasi Sentral Rumah Sakit Saiful Anwar
BH Laksono, I Isngadi, MR Khalidi
Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain 1 (1), 13-16, 2020
Anestesi untuk pengangkatan meningioma suprasella dengan pendekatan supraorbita
Y Hadinata, M Isngadi, B Hartiyo
Universitas Brawijaya. Malang, 2013
Diameter dan Indeks Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Berkorelasi dengan Central Venous Pressure (CVP) pada Pasien Kritis yang Menggunakan Ventilasi Mekanik di Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
BH Laksono, AZ Fatoni, VP Yuwono, AA Asmoro
JAI (Jurnal Anestesiologi Indonesia) 13 (2), 88-98, 0
Perioperative Management of Neuroanesthesia in Patients with Supratentorial Tumors Who Have Excised Tumors Using Neuroprotection Technique and Total Intravenous Anesthesia
C Aditiarso, BH Laksono
Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain 5 (2), 2024
The correlation of risk factors with mortality of geriatric patients in non-operating room anesthesia services
AA Asmoro, I Isngadi, AM Achsar, BH Laksono
Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care 28 (3), 459-464, 2024
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