Francois Grey
Observation of microscale superlubricity in graphite
Z Liu, J Yang, F Grey, JZ Liu, Y Liu, Y Wang, Y Yang, Y Cheng, Q Zheng
Physical review letters 108 (20), 205503, 2012
Building an infrastructure for scientific Grid computing: status and goals of the EGEE project
F Gagliardi, B Jones, F Grey, ME Bégin, M Heikkurinen
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2005
Formation of nanometer-scale grooves in silicon with a scanning tunneling microscope
A Kobayashi, F Grey, RS Williams, M Aono
Science 259 (5102), 1724-1726, 1993
Site-specific measurement of adatom binding energy differences by atom extraction with the STM
H Uchida, D Huang, F Grey, M Aono
Physical review letters 70 (13), 2040, 1993
Substrate curvature gradient drives rapid droplet motion
C Lv, C Chen, YC Chuang, FG Tseng, Y Yin, F Grey, Q Zheng
Physical review letters 113 (2), 026101, 2014
Fabrication and characterization of nanoresonating devices for mass detection
ZJ Davis, G Abadal, O Kuhn, O Hansen, F Grey, A Boisen
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer …, 2000
Water transport inside carbon nanotubes mediated by phonon-induced oscillating friction
M Ma, F Grey, L Shen, M Urbakh, S Wu, JZ Liu, Y Liu, Q Zheng
Nature nanotechnology 10 (8), 692-695, 2015
STM-induced hydrogen desorption via a hole resonance
K Stokbro, C Thirstrup, M Sakurai, U Quaade, BYK Hu, F Perez-Murano, ...
Physical review letters 80 (12), 2618, 1998
LHC computing grid: technical design report
C Eck, J Knobloch, L Robertson, I Bird, K Bos, N Brook, D Düllmann, I Fisk, ...
Version 1, 20, 2005
Observation of high-speed microscale superlubricity in graphite
J Yang, Z Liu, F Grey, Z Xu, X Li, Y Liu, M Urbakh, Y Cheng, Q Zheng
Physical review letters 110 (25), 255504, 2013
Oxygen chemisorption on Cu(110): A model for the c(6×2) structure
R Feidenhans, F Grey, M Nielsen, F Besenbacher, F Jensen, ...
Physical review letters 65 (16), 2027, 1990
Fabrication and actuation of customized nanotweezers with a 25 nm gap
P Bøggild, TM Hansen, C Tanasa, F Grey
Nanotechnology 12 (3), 331, 2001
Experimental Evidence for an Interface Delocalization Transition in Au
H Dosch, L Mailänder, A Lied, J Peisl, F Grey, RL Johnson, ...
Physical review letters 60 (23), 2382, 1988
Scanning microscopic four-point conductivity probes
CL Petersen, TM Hansen, P Bøggild, A Boisen, O Hansen, T Hassenkam, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 96 (1), 53-58, 2002
Electronic transport at semiconductor surfaces––from point-contact transistor to micro-four-point probes
S Hasegawa, F Grey
Surface Science 500 (1-3), 84-104, 2002
Nano-drive for high resolution positioning and for positioning of a multi-point probe
CL Petersen, U Quaade, PF Nielsen, F Grey, P Bøggild
US Patent 7,304,486, 2007
Electrical conduction through surface superstructures measured by microscopic four-point probes
S Hasegawa, I Shiraki, F Tanabe, R Hobara, T Kanagawa, T Tanikawa, ...
Surface Review and Letters 10 (06), 963-980, 2003
Direct measurement of surface-state conductance by microscopic four-point probe method
S Hasegawa, I Shiraki, T Tanikawa, CL Petersen, TM Hansen, P Boggild, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (35), 8379, 2002
Microfour-point probe for studying electronic transport through surface states
CL Petersen, F Grey, I Shiraki, S Hasegawa
Applied Physics Letters 77 (23), 3782-3784, 2000
Microscopic structure, discommensurations, and tiling of Si (111)/Cu-‘‘5× 5’’
J Zegenhagen, E Fontes, F Grey, JR Patel
Physical Review B 46 (3), 1860, 1992
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