Selim Terhzaz
Selim Terhzaz
Research Fellow, Glasgow University
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Isolation and characterization of a leucokinin-like peptide of Drosophila melanogaster
S Terhzaz, FC O’Connell, VP Pollock, L Kean, SA Davies, JA Veenstra, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 202 (24), 3667-3676, 1999
The neuropeptide SIFamide modulates sexual behavior in Drosophila
S Terhzaz, P Rosay, SF Goodwin, JA Veenstra
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 352 (2), 305-310, 2007
A Drosophila systems approach to xenobiotic metabolism
J Yang, C McCart, DJ Woods, S Terhzaz, KG Greenwood, ...
Physiological genomics 30 (3), 223-231, 2007
Insect capa neuropeptides impact desiccation and cold tolerance
S Terhzaz, NM Teets, P Cabrero, L Henderson, MG Ritchie, RJ Nachman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (9), 2882-2887, 2015
Mechanism and function of Drosophila capa GPCR: a desiccation stress-responsive receptor with functional homology to human neuromedinU receptor
S Terhzaz, P Cabrero, JH Robben, JC Radford, BD Hudson, G Milligan, ...
PloS one 7 (1), e29897, 2012
The corticotropin-releasing factor-like diuretic hormone 44 (DH44) and kinin neuropeptides modulate desiccation and starvation tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster
E Cannell, AJ Dornan, KA Halberg, S Terhzaz, JAT Dow, SA Davies
Peptides 80, 96-107, 2016
Tracing the evolutionary origins of insect renal function
KA Halberg, S Terhzaz, P Cabrero, SA Davies, JAT Dow
Nature communications 6 (1), 6800, 2015
Chloride channels in stellate cells are essential for uniquely high secretion rates in neuropeptide-stimulated Drosophila diuresis
P Cabrero, S Terhzaz, MF Romero, SA Davies, EM Blumenthal, JAT Dow
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (39), 14301-14306, 2014
Immune and stress response ‘cross-talk’in the Drosophila Malpighian tubule
SA Davies, G Overend, S Sebastian, M Cundall, P Cabrero, JAT Dow, ...
Journal of insect physiology 58 (4), 488-497, 2012
Phosphodiesterase-8A binds to and regulates Raf-1 kinase
KM Brown, JP Day, E Huston, B Zimmermann, K Hampel, F Christian, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (16), E1533-E1542, 2013
A novel role of Drosophila cytochrome P450-4e3 in permethrin insecticide tolerance
S Terhzaz, P Cabrero, RA Brinzer, KA Halberg, JAT Dow, SA Davies
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 67, 38-46, 2015
Functional correlates of positional and gender-specific renal asymmetry in Drosophila
VR Chintapalli, S Terhzaz, J Wang, M Al Bratty, DG Watson, P Herzyk, ...
PloS one 7 (4), e32577, 2012
Signaling by Drosophila capa neuropeptides
SA Davies, P Cabrero, M Povsic, NR Johnston, S Terhzaz, JAT Dow
General and Comparative Endocrinology 188, 60-66, 2013
Novel subcellular locations and functions for secretory pathway Ca2+/Mn2+-ATPases
TD Southall, S Terhzaz, P Cabrero, VR Chintapalli, JM Evans, JAT Dow, ...
Physiological genomics 26 (1), 35-45, 2006
Differential gel electrophoresis and transgenic mitochondrial calcium reporters demonstrate spatiotemporal filtering in calcium control of mitochondria
S Terhzaz, TD Southall, KS Lilley, L Kean, AK Allan, SA Davies, JAT Dow
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (27), 18849-18858, 2006
Functional characterisation of the Anopheles leucokinins and their cognate G-protein coupled receptor
JC Radford, S Terhzaz, P Cabrero, SA Davies, JAT Dow
Journal of experimental biology 207 (26), 4573-4586, 2004
Cell-specific inositol 1, 4, 5 trisphosphate 3-kinase mediates epithelial cell apoptosis in response to oxidative stress in Drosophila
S Terhzaz, AJ Finlayson, L Stirrat, JL Yang, H Tricoire, DJ Woods, ...
Cellular signalling 22 (5), 737-748, 2010
Cell signalling mechanisms for insect stress tolerance
SA Davies, P Cabrero, G Overend, L Aitchison, S Sebastian, S Terhzaz, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (1), 119-128, 2014
Mislocalization of mitochondria and compromised renal function and oxidative stress resistance in Drosophila SesB mutants
S Terhzaz, P Cabrero, VR Chintapalli, SA Davies, JAT Dow
Physiological genomics 41 (1), 33-41, 2010
Organellar calcium signalling mechanisms in Drosophilaepithelial function
SA Davies, S Terhzaz
Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (3), 387-400, 2009
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