Maria Chiara Cesarani
Maria Chiara Cesarani
在 unito.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Consumers' perception of suboptimal food: strategies to reduce food waste
E Varese, MC Cesarani, M Wojnarowska
British Food Journal 125 (1), 361-378, 2022
Online food delivery habits and its environmental impact during the COVID-19 pandemic: an Italian and Polish study
E Varese, MC Cesarani, B Kabaja, M Sołtysik, M Wojnarowska
British Food Journal 126 (1), 191-204, 2024
Recognizability of Ecolabels on E-Commerce Websites: The Case for Younger Consumers in Poland
B Kabaja, M Wojnarowska, MC Cesarani, E Varese
Sustainability 14 (9), 5351, 2022
EU Voluntary Certification Schemes for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs
A Tarabella, E Varese, MC Cesarani
Food Products Evolution: Innovation Drivers and Market Trends, 59-77, 2019
Consumers’ perception towards quality certifications: is this the key to help rural areas’ resilience?
E Varese, MC Cesarani, L Bollani, B Kabaja, M Wojnarowska
Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării, 298-307, 2022
Recognizability of Ecolabels on E-Commerce Websites: The Case for Younger Consumers in Poland. Sustainability 2022, 14, 5351
B Kabaja, M Wojnarowska, MC Cesarani, E Varese
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2022
Labelling and Hygenic-sanitary safety in China: results of a preliminary survey based on a sampling of Chinese consumers
E Varese, MC Cesarani
Atti del Congresso AISME 2006, 44-50, 2016
Diversamente bello e assolutamente buono!
E Varese, MC Cesarani, M Wojnarowska
FOOD HUB MAGAZINE, 134-149, 2023
Application of Internet of Things in the Movement of Goods at Customs Level during Covid-19 Pandemic
E Varese, MC Cesarani, M Wojnarowska
Supply Chain-Recent Advances and New Perspectives in the Industry 4.0 Era, 2022
Recognizability of ecolabels on e-commerce websites: the case for younger consumers in Poland
K Bartłomiej, W Magdalena, MC Cesarani, E Varese
Application of Internet of Things in the Movement of Goods at Customs Level during Covid-19 Pandemic
E Varese, MC Cesarani, M Wojnarowska
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