Vagson L. Carvalho-Santos
Vagson L. Carvalho-Santos
Universidade Feeral de Viçosa
在 ufv.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Vortex-antivortex pairs induced by curvature in toroidal nanomagnets
S Vojkovic, VL Carvalho-Santos, JM Fonseca, AS Nunez
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (11), 2017
Oscillatory behavior of the domain wall dynamics in a curved cylindrical magnetic nanowire
R Moreno, VL Carvalho-Santos, AP Espejo, D Laroze, ...
Physical Review B 96 (18), 184401, 2017
Topological spin excitations on a rigid torus
VL Carvalho-Santos, AR Moura, WA Moura-Melo, AR Pereira
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (13), 134450, 2008
Miniaturization of vortex-comprising system using ferromagnetic nanotori
VL Carvalho-Santos, WA Moura-Melo, AR Pereira
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (9), 2010
Detailed examination of domain wall types, their widths and critical diameters in cylindrical magnetic nanowires
R Moreno, VL Carvalho-Santos, D Altbir, O Chubykalo-Fesenko
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 542, 168495, 2022
Skyrmion propagation along curved racetracks
VL Carvalho-Santos, MA Castro, D Salazar-Aravena, D Laroze, ...
Applied Physics Letters 118 (17), 2021
Stability of skyrmions on curved surfaces in the presence of a magnetic field
VL Carvalho-Santos, RG Elias, D Altbir, JM Fonseca
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 391, 179-183, 2015
Typical skyrmions versus bimerons: A long-distance competition in ferromagnetic racetracks
AS Araújo, RJC Lopes, VL Carvalho-Santos, AR Pereira, RL Silva, ...
Physical Review B 102 (10), 104409, 2020
Magnetization ground state and reversal modes of magnetic nanotori
S Vojkovic, AS Nunez, D Altbir, VL Carvalho-Santos
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (3), 2016
Shifts in the skyrmion stabilization due to curvature effects in dome-and antidome-shaped surfaces
VL Carvalho-Santos, RM Corona, D Altbir, S Castillo-Sepúlveda
Physical Review B 102 (2), 024444, 2020
Winding number selection on merons by Gaussian curvature’s sign
RG Elías, N Vidal-Silva, VL Carvalho-Santos
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 14309, 2019
Topological magnetic solitons on a paraboloidal shell
PSC Vilas-Boas, RG Elias, D Altbir, JM Fonseca, VL Carvalho-Santos
Physics Letters A 379 (1-2), 47-53, 2015
Controlling domain wall oscillations in bent cylindrical magnetic wires
R Cacilhas, CIL De Araujo, VL Carvalho-Santos, R Moreno, ...
Physical Review B 101 (18), 184418, 2020
Coupling of skyrmions mediated by the RKKY interaction
R Cacilhas, VL Carvalho-Santos, S Vojkovic, EB Carvalho, AR Pereira, ...
Applied Physics Letters 113 (21), 2018
Analysis on the stability of in-surface magnetic configurations in toroidal nanoshells
AW Teixeira, S Castillo-Sepúlveda, S Vojkovic, JM Fonseca, D Altbir, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 478, 253-259, 2019
On geometry-dependent vortex stability and topological spin excitations on curved surfaces with cylindrical symmetry
VL Carvalho-Santos, FA Apolonio, NM Oliveira-Neto
Physics Letters A 377 (18), 1308-1316, 2013
Curvature-induced emergence of a second critical field for domain wall dynamics in bent nanostripes
GHR Bittencourt, R Moreno, R Cacilhas, S Castillo-Sepúlveda, ...
Applied Physics Letters 118 (14), 2021
Coupling between magnetic field and curvature in Heisenberg spins on surfaces with rotational symmetry
VL Carvalho-Santos, R Dandoloff
Physics Letters A 376 (46), 3551-3554, 2012
Curvature-induced changes in the magnetic energy of vortices and skyrmions in paraboloidal nanoparticles
VL Carvalho-Santos, RG Elias, JM Fonseca, D Altbir
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (17), 2015
Spin waves scattering on a Bloch point
RG Elías, VL Carvalho-Santos, AS Núñez, AD Verga
Physical Review B 90 (22), 224414, 2014
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