Kevin Meuwissen
Kevin Meuwissen
Associate Professor of Teaching and Curriculum, University of Rochester
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Preservice teachers’ adaptations to tensions associated with the edTPA during its early implementation in New York and Washington states
KW Meuwissen, JM Choppin
Education Policy Analysis Archives 23, 103-103, 2015
Oh, the trouble we’ve seen: Researching historical thinking and understanding
B VanSledright, T Kelly, K Meuwissen
Research methods in social studies education: Contemporary issues and …, 2006
Maybe Someday the Twain Shall Meet: Exploring Disconnections between Methods Instruction and" Life in the Classroom"
KW Meuwissen
The Social Studies 96 (6), 253-258, 2005
Teaching candidates’ perceptions of and experiences with early implementation of the edTPA licensure examination in New York and Washington States
K Meuwissen, J Choppin, H Shang-Butler, K Cloonan
Warner School of Education, University of Rochester, 2015
“Happy professional development at an unhappy time”: Learning to teach for historical thinking in a high-pressure accountability context
KW Meuwissen
Theory & Research in Social Education 45 (2), 248-285, 2017
What of History? Historical Knowledge within a System of Standards and Accountability.
T Kelly, K Meuwissen, B Vansledright
International Journal of Social Education 22 (1), 115-145, 2007
Threats to validity in the edTPA video component
J Choppin, K Meuwissen
Action in Teacher Education 39 (1), 39-53, 2017
Teaching and learning self-assessment strategies in middle school
P Afflerbach, K Meuwissen
Metacognition in literacy learning, 163-186, 2006
What is climate change education in Trump Country?
D Long, J Henderson, K Meuwissen
Educational and Developmental Psychologist 39 (1), 132-145, 2022
Teaching candidates’ experiences with the edTPA as an initial certification test in New York and Washington States: Survey results from the second year of a two-year study
K Meuwissen, J Choppin, K Cloonan, H Shang-Butler
Retrieved on August 12, 2016, 2016
Representing teaching within high-stakes teacher performance assessments
KW Meuwissen, JM Choppin
A companion to research in teacher education, 597-608, 2017
Readin', Writin', Ready for Testin'? Adaptive Assessment in Elective and Standardized-Tested Social Studies Course Contexts
KW Meuwissen
Theory & Research in Social Education 41 (3), 285-315, 2013
Examining shifts in teachers’ epistemologies in the domain of history
B VanSledright, P Alexander, L Maggioni, T Kelly, K Meuwissen
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, 2004
Can studying adolescents’ thinking amplify high-leverage social studies teaching practice? Challenges of synthesizing pedagogies of investigation and enactment in school …
KW Meuwissen, AL Thomas
Theory & Research in Social Education 44 (3), 385-415, 2016
Teachers as political actors
K Meuwissen
Education Week 33 (8), 26, 2013
Exploring Two Secondary Social Studies Teachers' Pedagogical Decision Making in Constrained and Flexible Curricular Contexts.
KW Meuwissen
ProQuest LLC, 2012
Representing Difficult History Through Images and Narratives With Museum Partners
RL Rosen, KW Meuwissen, MC Jones, JM Lagasse
Teaching Difficult Histories in Difficult Times: Stories of Practice, 15, 2022
Supporting the political practice of social studies teaching across the teacher education continuum
KW Meuwissen, ML Berger
Rethinking social studies teacher education in the twenty-first century, 407-427, 2016
Social studies in the new education policy era: conversations on purposes, perspectives, and practices
PG Fitchett, KW Meuwissen
Routledge, 2018
Cultivating ambitious practices
KW Meuwissen, JC Lammers
Teaching social studies, 105-110, 2017
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