SeagrassNet monitoring across the Americas: case studies of seagrass decline FT Short, EW Koch, JC Creed, KM Magalhaes, E Fernandez, JL Gaeckle Marine Ecology 27 (4), 277-289, 2006 | 231 | 2006 |
Oil spill+ COVID-19: A disastrous year for Brazilian seagrass conservation KM Magalhães, KV de Souza Barros, MCS de Lima, ... Science of The Total Environment 764, 142872, 2021 | 82 | 2021 |
Seagrass and submerged aquatic vegetation (VAS) habitats off the coast of Brazil: state of knowledge, conservation and main threats MS Copertino, JC Creed, MO Lanari, K Magalhães, K Barros, PC Lana, ... Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 64, 53-80, 2016 | 76 | 2016 |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fishery resources affected by the 2019 oil spill in Brazil: Short-term environmental health and seafood safety KM Magalhães, RS Carreira, JS Rosa Filho, PP Rocha, FM Santana, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 175, 113334, 2022 | 51 | 2022 |
Ecology of Brazilian seagrasses: Is our current knowledge suffi cient to make sound decisions about mitigating the effects of climate change? KV de Souza Barros, C de Almeida Rocha-Barreira, KM Magalhaes Iheringia, Série Botânica. 68 (1), 163-178, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
Quantification and classification of the main environmental impacts on a Halodule wrightii seagrass meadow on a tropical island in northeastern Brazil ME Pitanga, MJF Montes, KM Magalhães, TNV Reis Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 84, 35-42, 2012 | 20 | 2012 |
Morfometria e biomassa da fanerógama marinha Halodule wrightii Ascherson no litoral norte de Pernambuco KM Magalhães, E Eskinazi-Leça, AM Moura Junior Trabalhos Oceanográficos da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco 25, 83-92, 1997 | 20 | 1997 |
Halophila baillonis Ascherson: first population dynamics data for the Southern Hemisphere KM Magalhães, JCG Borges, ME Pitanga Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 87 (2), 861-865, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
Halodule genus in Brazil: a new growth form KM Magalhães, KV de Souza Barros Aquatic Botany 140, 38-43, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Gestão de resíduos sólidos: Percepção ambiental de universitários em uma instituição de ensino superior brasileira CMC Rocha, AMM Junior, KM Magalhães REMEA-Revista Eletrônica do Mestrado em Educação Ambiental 29, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
Estrutura do macrofitobentos marinho AM Cocentino, KM Magalhães, SMB Pereira ESKINAZI-LEÇA. E.; NEUMANN-LEITÃO, S. & COSTA. MF (Org.). Oceanografia: um …, 2004 | 11 | 2004 |
Oil and plastic spill: 2021 as another challenging year for marine conservation in the South Atlantic Ocean KM Magalhães, JS Rosa Filho, CEP Teixeira, C Coelho-Jr, MCS Lima, ... Marine Policy 140, 105076, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
SeagrassNet monitoring of habitat change across the Americas FT Short, EW Koch, JC Creed, KM Magalhaes, E Fernandez, JL Gaeckle Marine Ecology, 2006 | 9 | 2006 |
Seagrass meadows on the northeast coast of Brazil: habitat influence on the spatial and seasonal variations KVS Barros, CA Rocha-Barreira, KM Magalhães Aquatic ecosystems: influences, interactions and impact on the environment …, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Os prados de fanerógamas marinhas KM Magalhães, E Eskinazi-Leça Gerenciamento participativo de estuários e manguezais. Recife: Editora …, 2000 | 8 | 2000 |
Fanerógamas marinhas do litoral do estado de Pernambuco KM Magalhães, MS Alves Recife: Secretaria de Ciências, Tecnologia e Meio Ambiente, Editora …, 2002 | 7 | 2002 |
Chromosomal evolution in seagrasses: Is the chromosome number decreasing? SL da Silva, R de Carvalho, KM Magalhaes Aquatic Botany 173, 103410, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Karyotype variations in seagrass (Halodule wrightii Ascherson—Cymodoceaceae) SL da Silva, KM Magalhães, R de Carvalho Aquatic botany 136, 52-55, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Monitoramento dos fundos vegetados submersos (pradarias submersas) MS Copertino, JC Creed, KM Magalhães, KDS Barros, MDO Lanari, ... Protocolos para o Monitoramento de Habitats Bentônicos Costeiros–Rede de …, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Morfologia foliar e densidade de hastes de Halodule wrightii (Cymodoceaceae), no litoral de Alagoas, Brasil CRC França, ME Pitanga, MDO Alves, ME Araújo, SL Silva, ... Tropical Oceanography 42, 58-67, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |