Tian Fan
Tian Fan
在 mail.bnu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
How font size affects judgments of learning: Simultaneous mediating effect of item-specific beliefs about fluency and moderating effect of beliefs about font size and memory
N Su, T Li, J Zheng, X Hu, T Fan, L Luo
PloS one 13 (7), e0200888, 2018
When judging what you know changes what you really know: Soliciting metamemory judgments reactively enhances children’s learning
W Zhao, B Li, DR Shanks, W Zhao, J Zheng, X Hu, N Su, T Fan, Y Yin, ...
Child Development 93 (2), 405-417, 2022
Soliciting judgments of forgetting reactively enhances memory as well as making judgments of learning: Empirical and meta-analytic tests
B Li, W Zhao, J Zheng, X Hu, N Su, T Fan, Y Yin, M Liu, C Yang, L Luo
Memory & Cognition, 1-17, 2022
A Bayesian inference model for metamemory.
X Hu, J Zheng, N Su, T Fan, C Yang, Y Yin, SM Fleming, L Luo
Psychological Review 128 (5), 824, 2021
Using multilevel mediation model to measure the contribution of beliefs to judgments of learning
X Hu, J Zheng, T Fan, N Su, C Yang, L Luo
Frontiers in psychology 11, 637, 2020
The contribution of metamemory beliefs to the font size effect on judgments of learning: Is word frequency a moderating factor?
T Fan, J Zheng, X Hu, N Su, Y Yin, C Yang, L Luo
Plos one 16 (9), e0257547, 2021
The Effects of emotion on judgments of learning and memory: a meta-analytic review
Y Yin, DR Shanks, B Li, T Fan, X Hu, C Yang, L Luo
Metacognition and Learning 18 (2), 425-447, 2023
Soliciting judgments of learning reactively facilitates both recollection-and familiarity-based recognition memory
J Zheng, B Li, W Zhao, N Su, T Fan, Y Yin, Y Hu, X Hu, C Yang, L Luo
Metacognition and Learning 19 (2), 609-633, 2024
Frequent Quizzing Accelerates Classroom Learning
C Yang, DR Shanks, W Zhao, T Fan, L Luo
In their own words: What scholars and teachers want you to know about why …, 2023
Do Confidence Ratings Reactively Modify Children’s Academic Assessment Performance? Negative Answer from a Three-Year Longitudinal Study
J Zheng, N Su, T Fan, B Li, W Zhao, X Hu, C Yang, L Luo
Journal of Intelligence 12 (9), 91, 2024
Study strategy use among elementary school students: Is use of specific study strategies related to academic performance?
Y Yin, T Fan, W Zhao, J Zheng, X Hu, N Su, C Yang, L Luo
Metacognition and Learning, 1-18, 2024
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