The Feldstein–Horioka puzzle: a panel smooth transition regression approach J Fouquau, C Hurlin, I Rabaud Economic Modelling 25 (2), 284-299, 2008 | 412 | 2008 |
Attractivité de la France: analyse, perception et mesure; suivi d'un commentaire de Thierry Madiès B Cœuré, I Rabaud, T Madiès Economie et statistique 363 (1), 97-127, 2003 | 64 | 2003 |
Natural Disasters and Countries’ Exports: New Insights from a New (and an Old) Database H El Hadri, D Mirza, I Rabaud DR LEO 10, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Foreign direct investment and domestic private investment in Sub-Saharan African countries: crowding-in or out? D Askandarou, L Jacolin, I Rabaud Banque de France Working Paper, 2021 | 10* | 2021 |
Compétitivité territoriale et localisation du travail et des entreprises: une introduction R Bazillier, I Rabaud, C Turcu Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine, 197-217, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Under attack: Terrorism and international trade in France, 2014–2016 V Nitsch, I Rabaud Oxford Economic Papers 74 (4), 976-998, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Une analyse critique des mesures de restrictions aux échanges de services T Montalieu, I Rabaud LEO Working Papers/DR LEO, 2010 | 6* | 2010 |
Location of Industries in MENA countries, in the EU and NMS: a Comparative analysis H Jennequin, I Rabaud Go-EuroMed Working Paper, 2006 | 5* | 2006 |
Does the depth of trade agreements matter for trade in services? A Guillin, I Rabaud, C Zaki The World Economy 46 (12), 3616-3653, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Introduction: quels liens entre migrations et institutions? T Baudassé, R Bazillier, I Rabaud Mondes en développement, 7-14, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Private Investment in Sub-Saharan African Countries: Crowding-In or Out? D Askandarou, L Jacolin, I Rabaud Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Private Investment in Sub-Saharan …, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Why Natural Disasters Might Not Lead to a Fall in Exports in Developing Countries? I Rabaud, D Mirza, H El Hadri LEO Working Papers/DR LEO, 2018 | 2* | 2018 |
Migration as a win-win process in the Euro-Mediterranean area: Remittances and intergenerational transfers between countries with different demographic cycles C Boboc, H Jennequin, A Lavigne, I Rabaud, E Unan Go-EuroMed Working Paper, 2007 | 2 | 2007 |
Le" désajustement" de la balance courante mondiale I Rabaud la lettre du CEPII, 1998 | 2 | 1998 |
International specialisation in manufacturing and services N Mulder, I Rabaud HAL Post-Print, 1996 | 2 | 1996 |
Fiscal outcomes, current account imbalances, and institutions in Europe: Exploring nonlinearities K Keita, I Rabaud, C Turcu International Economics 175, 121-134, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Les déterminants du commerce international de technologie incorporelle: une approche par les équations de gravité N Avallone, S Chédor, I Rabaud Revue française d'économie 34 (2), 165-202, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Gains à l'échange de services pour les pays africains: mythe ou réalité? I Rabaud Revue française d'économie 29 (2), 103-142, 2014 | 1 | 2014 |
Productivité et performance à l'exportation dans le transport: une étude sur le cas de huit pays BC Kune, P Compaire, N Mulder, I Rabaud HAL Post-Print, 1998 | 1 | 1998 |
Trade Performance in Transport BC Kune, N Mulder, I Rabaud HAL Post-Print, 1998 | 1 | 1998 |