Stephan Toby
Stephan Toby
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A Big Fan of Signals? Exploring Autogenic and Allogenic Process and Product In a Numerical Stratigraphic Forward Model of Submarine-Fan Development
PM Burgess, I Masiero, SC Toby, RA Duller
Journal of Sedimentary Research 89 (1), 1-12, 2019
A stratigraphic framework for the preservation and shredding of environmental signals
SC Toby, RA Duller, S De Angelis, KM Straub
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (11), 5837-5845, 2019
Land loss due to human-altered sediment budget in the Mississippi River Delta
DA Edmonds, SC Toby, CG Siverd, R Twilley, SJ Bentley, S Hagen, K Xu
Nature Sustainability, 1-8, 2023
Morphodynamic limits to environmental signal propagation across landscapes and into strata
SC Toby, RA Duller, S De Angelis, KM Straub
Nature Communications 13 (1), 292, 2022
How human interference created the land loss crisis in the Mississippi River Delta
D Edmonds, S Toby, C Siverd, S Bentley, S Hagen, R Twilley
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, EP41D-05, 2021
A Transit Through Galloway Space: Process Dominance Naturally Changes as Deltas Grow
J Brown, D Edmonds, S Toby, C Broaddus, J Nienhuis, A Tejedor, L Vulis, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, EP35H-1393, 2021
Quantifying environmental signal propagation and preservation in ancient sediment routing systems using field data
R Duller, S Toby, S De Angelis, K Straub
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-15896, 2021
Simulating Galloway's Famous Triangle: Testing the Hypothesis that Rivers, Waves, Tides Control Delta Morphology
CM Broaddus
Indiana University, 2021
Sedimentation Potential in the Mississippi Delta Without Human Influences
S Toby, DA Edmonds, C Siverd
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, EP047-0002, 2020
Quantifying the effect of varying sediment flux on landscape dynamics and stratigraphy.
S Toby, R Duller, S De Angelis, K Straub
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Transferring Periodic Sediment Supply Signals to the Stratigraphic Record
S Toby, R Duller, S De Angelis, KM Straub
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018
Stratigraphic Transfer Thresholds of Sediment Supply Signals in Channelized Systems
SC Toby, S De Angelis, R Duller, KM Straub
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2016
A Big Fan of Signals? Exploring Autogenic and Allogenic Processes in Lobyte3D, a Numerical Stratigraphic Forward Model of Submarine Fan Development
P Burgess, I Masiero, S Toby, R Duller
2019 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, 0
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