Enzo Marino
Offshore wind turbine fatigue loads: The influence of alternative wave modeling for different turbulent and mean winds
E Marino, A Giusti, L Manuel
Renewable Energy 102, 157-169, 2017
Locking-free isogeometric collocation formulation for three-dimensional geometrically exact shear-deformable beams with arbitrary initial curvature
E Marino
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 324, 546-572, 2017
A fully nonlinear wave model to account for breaking wave impact loads on offshore wind turbines
E Marino, C Borri, U Peil
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 99 (4), 483-490, 2011
Isogeometric collocation for three-dimensional geometrically exact shear-deformable beams
E Marino
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 307, 383-410, 2016
Isogeometric collocation for the Reissner–Mindlin shell problem
J Kiendl, E Marino, L De Lorenzis
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 325, 645-665, 2017
A novel numerical strategy for the simulation of irregular nonlinear waves and their effects on the dynamic response of offshore wind turbines
E Marino, C Lugni, C Borri
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 255, 275-288, 2013
The role of the nonlinear wave kinematics on the global responses of an OWT in parked and operating conditions
E Marino, C Lugni, C Borri
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 123, 363-376, 2013
Platform and mooring system optimization of a 10 MW semisubmersible offshore wind turbine
G Ferri, E Marino, N Bruschi, C Borri
Renewable Energy 182, 1152-1170, 2022
Explicit isogeometric collocation for the dynamics of three-dimensional beams undergoing finite motions
E Marino, J Kiendl, L De Lorenzis
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 343, 530-549, 2019
Isogeometric collocation for implicit dynamics of three-dimensional beams undergoing finite motions
E Marino, J Kiendl, L De Lorenzis
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 356, 548-570, 2019
Influence of wind–waves energy transfer on the impulsive hydrodynamic loads acting on offshore wind turbines
E Marino, C Borri, C Lugni
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 99 (6-7), 767-775, 2011
Automated identification of linear viscoelastic constitutive laws with EUCLID
E Marino, M Flaschel, S Kumar, L De Lorenzis
Mechanics of Materials 181, 104643, 2023
Two shape parametrizations for structural optimization of triangular shells
E Marino, L Salvatori, M Orlando, C Borri
Computers & Structures 166, 1-10, 2016
Irregular nonlinear wave simulation and associated loads on offshore wind turbines
E Marino, H Nguyen, C Lugni, L Manuel, C Borri
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 137 (2), 021901, 2015
An integrated nonlinear wind-waves model for offshore wind turbines
E Marino
Firenze University Press, 2011
Optimal dimensions of a semisubmersible floating platform for a 10 MW wind turbine
G Ferri, E Marino, C Borri
Energies 13 (12), 3092, 2020
D2. 4: Collation of offshore wind-wave dynamics
H Bredmose, SE Larsen, D Matha, A Rettenmeier, E Marino, L Saettran
Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network, 2012
Collation of offshore wind-wave dynamics
H Bredmose, SE Larsen, D Matha, A Rettenmeier, E Marino, L Seattran
MARINET, Copenhagen, Denmark. See http://www. fp7-marinet. eu/public/docs D 2, 2012
Influence of clumps-weighted moorings on a spar buoy offshore wind turbine
N Bruschi, G Ferri, E Marino, C Borri
Energies 13 (23), 6407, 2020
Effects of parameterization and knot placement techniques on primal and mixed isogeometric collocation formulations of spatial shear-deformable beams with varying curvature and …
E Marino, SF Hosseini, A Hashemian, A Reali
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 80 (11), 2563-2585, 2020
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