James Borrelli
James Borrelli
Stevenson University
在 stevenson.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Biomechanical control of paretic lower limb during imposed weight transfer in individuals post-stroke
HY Hsiao, VL Gray, J Borrelli, MW Rogers
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 17, 1-11, 2020
Perturbation-evoked lateral steps in older adults: why take two steps when one will do?
J Borrelli, RA Creath, D Pizac, H Hsiao, OP Sanders, MW Rogers
Clinical biomechanics 63, 41-47, 2019
Experimental characterization of axillary/underarm interface pressure in swing-through crutch walking.
J Borrelli, HW Haslach Jr
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 50 (3), 2013
Clinical assessment of reactive balance control in acquired brain injury: A comparison of manual and cable release‐from‐lean assessment methods
JR Borrelli, CA Junod, EL Inness, S Jones, A Mansfield, BE Maki
Physiotherapy research international 24 (4), e1787, 2019
Age-related changes in the capacity to select early-onset upper-limb reactions to either recover balance or protect against impact
JR Borrelli, J Zabukovec, S Jones, CA Junod, BE Maki
Experimental gerontology 125, 110676, 2019
Tiltable underarm support mechanism and crutch-like mobility assist device using same
HW Haslach Jr, JR Borrelli
US Patent 7,673,640, 2010
Extending the center of pressure to incorporate handhold forces: Derivation and sample application
J Borrelli, V Komisar, AC Novak, BE Maki, EC King
Journal of biomechanics 104, 109727, 2020
Protective arm movements are modulated with fall height
J Borrelli, R Creath, MW Rogers
Journal of biomechanics 99, 109569, 2020
Crutch-like mobility assist device with rotatable footer assembly
HW Haslach Jr, JR Borrelli
US Patent 7,581,556, 2009
Effects of visual input absence on balance recovery responses to lateral standing surface perturbations in older and younger adults
W Jeon, J Borrelli, HY Hsiao
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 39 (3), 184-192, 2023
Untangling biomechanical differences in perturbation-induced stepping strategies for lateral balance stability in older individuals
J Borrelli, R Creath, VL Gray, MW Rogers
Journal of biomechanics 114, 110161, 2021
Age-related changes in protective arm reaction kinematics, kinetics, and neuromuscular activation during evoked forward falls
J Borrelli, R Creath, K Westlake, MW Rogers
Human movement science 81, 102914, 2022
Compensation for weak hip abductors in gait assisted by a novel crutch-like device
JR Borrelli, HW Haslach
26th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference SBEC 2010, April 30-May 2 …, 2010
A method for simulating forward falls and controlling impact velocity
J Borrelli, RA Creath, MW Rogers
MethodsX 11, 102399, 2023
Neuromechanical control of impact absorption during induced lower limb loading in individuals post-stroke
KH Shen, SK Prajapati, J Borrelli, VL Gray, KP Westlake, MW Rogers, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 19104, 2022
Test-retest reliability of the FALL FIT system for assessing and training protective arm reactions in response to a forward fall
J Borrelli, R Creath, K Westlake, MW Rogers
MethodsX 9, 101702, 2022
Rationale for a Modified Crutch Use Methodology for Individuals with Weak or Paralyzed Hip Abductor Muscles
J Borrelli, HW Haslach Jr
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2013
Lower limb vertical stiffness and frontal plane angular impulse during perturbation-induced single limb stance and their associations with gait in individuals post-stroke
KH Shen, J Borrelli, VL Gray, MW Rogers, HY Hsiao
bioRxiv, 2023
The timing and amplitude of the muscular activity of the arms preceding impact in a forward fall is modulated with fall velocity
J Borrelli, R Creath, MW Rogers
Journal of biomechanics 150, 111515, 2023
Comparison of assistive mobility devices with axillary supports
J Borrelli
University of Maryland, College Park, 2006
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