Phuong-Thao Nguyen
Phuong-Thao Nguyen
VNU-HCM Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
在 hcmut.edu.vn 的电子邮件经过验证
Microplastics pollution in wastewater: Characteristics, occurrence and removal technologies
XT Bui, PT Nguyen, VT Nguyen, TS Dao, PD Nguyen
Environmental Technology & Innovation 19, 101013, 2020
Compost to improve sustainable soil cultivation and crop productivity
TTK Ho, TH Le, CS Tran, PT Nguyen, VN Thai, XT Bui
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 6, 100211, 2022
Current application of algae derivatives for bioplastic production: A review
BT Dang, XT Bui, DPH Tran, HH Ngo, LD Nghiem, PT Nguyen, ...
Bioresource Technology, 126698, 2022
Influence of organic loading rates on treatment performance of membrane bioreactor treating tannery wastewater
XT Bui, BT Dang, TT Nguyen, VT Nguyen, DPH Tran, PT Nguyen, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 24, 101810, 2021
Microfibers in laundry wastewater: Problem and solution
LT Le, KQN Nguyen, PT Nguyen, HC Duong, XT Bui, NB Hoang, ...
Science of The Total Environment 852, 158412, 2022
Advanced treatment technologies for the removal of organic chemical sunscreens from wastewater: a review
HT Tran, BT Dang, LTT Thuy, HG Hoang, XT Bui, VG Le, C Lin, ...
Current Pollution Reports 8 (3), 288-302, 2022
Anaerobic baffled reactor coupled with membrane bioreactor treating tannery wastewater
CS Tran, TB Dang, PT Nguyen, KQ Nguyen, QH Hoang, LT Le, ...
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 5, 100185, 2022
Dynamic of microbial community in simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process: A review
V Van Huynh, MTT Ngo, T Itayama, MB Nguyen, VG Le, S You, ...
Bioresource Technology Reports, 101415, 2023
Submerged membrane filtration process coupled with powdered activated carbon for nonylphenol ethoxylates removal
PD Nguyen, TMT Le, TKQ Vo, PT Nguyen, TDH Vo, BT Dang, NT Son, ...
Water Science and Technology 84 (7), 1793-1803, 2021
Influence of hydraulic loading rate on performance and energy-efficient of a pilot-scale down-flow hanging sponge reactor treating domestic wastewater
VT Tra, BT Dang, QA Binh, QH Nguyen, PT Nguyen, HH Nguyen, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 21, 101273, 2021
Performance of low flux sponge membrane bioreactor treating industrial wastewater for reuse purposes
ML Nguyen, ND Dat, VT Nguyen, ATK Tran, PT Nguyen, XT Bui
Bioresource Technology Reports 22, 101440, 2023
Influence of aging processes on PE microplastics with various oxidants: Morphology, chemical structure, and adsorption behavior toward tetracycline
TB Nguyen, CW Chen, CP Huang, WH Chen, S Hsieh, PT Nguyen, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation, 103173, 2023
Characterization of reciprocation membrane bioreactor on treatment performance, energy consumption and membrane fouling
PT Nguyen, DPH Tran, LT Le, C Lin, VT Tra, XT Bui
Bioresource Technology, 129146, 2023
Effects of settling time on the flocculation progress and treatment performance in the co-culture of microalgae-activated sludge photobioreactor
HH Nguyen, HN Luong, NKQ Nguyen, PT Nguyen, CS Tran, XT Bui
Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering 64 (4), 91-95, 2022
Applications and challenges of membrane distillation in water reuse
MTT Ngo, HNM Nguyen, NC Nguyen, PT Nguyen, XT Bui
Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 315-329, 2023
Membrane bioreactor processes
TT Nguyen, C Chiemchaisri, XT Bui, RS Adha, DD Nguyen, PD Nguyen, ...
Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 155-191, 2022
Evaluating the membrane fouling control ability of a reciprocation membrane bioreactor (rMBR) system
PT Nguyen, BT Dang, HD Pham, QT Huynh, XD Nguyen, HH Nguyen, ...
Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering 62 (1), 50-54, 2020
Application of forward osmosis membrane technology in nutrient recovery and water reuse
HT Nguyen, NC Nguyen, SS Chen, HH Ngo, XT Bui, PT Nguyen
Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 493-508, 2023
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