Loren M. Marulis
The effects of vocabulary intervention on young children’s word learning: A meta-analysis
LM Marulis, SB Neuman
Review of educational research 80 (3), 300-335, 2010
How vocabulary interventions affect young children at risk: A meta-analytic review
LM Marulis, SB Neuman
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 6 (3), 223-262, 2013
Designing educative curriculum materials: A theoretically and empirically driven process
E Davis, AS Palincsar, AM Arias, AS Bismack, L Marulis, S Iwashyna
Harvard Educational Review 84 (1), 24-52, 2014
Assessing metacognitive knowledge in 3–5 year olds: the development of a metacognitive knowledge interview (McKI)
LM Marulis, AS Palincsar, AL Berhenke, D Whitebread
Metacognition and Learning 11, 339-368, 2016
Integrating metacognition and executive function to enhance young children’s perception of and agency in their learning
LM Marulis, ST Baker, D Whitebread
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 50, 46-54, 2020
Gender processes in school functioning and the mediating role of cognitive self-regulation
JS Matthews, LM Marulis, AP Williford
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 35 (3), 128-137, 2014
Metacognitive processes and associations to executive function and motivation during a problem-solving task in 3–5 year olds
LM Marulis, LJ Nelson
Metacognition and learning 16 (1), 207-231, 2021
Aŋti-Bias Teachiņg to Address Cultural Diversity
L Marulis
Multicultural Education 7, 3, 2000
Motivational processes from expectancy–value theory are associated with variability in the error positivity in young children
MH Kim, LM Marulis, JK Grammer, FJ Morrison, WJ Gehring
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 155, 32-47, 2017
Early math and reading achievement are associated with the error positivity
MH Kim, JK Grammer, LM Marulis, M Carrasco, FJ Morrison, WJ Gehring
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 22, 18-26, 2016
Effects of training or experience on spatial cognition in children and adults: A meta-analysis
LM Marulis, L Liu, C Warren, D Uttal, N Newcombe
Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in …, 2007
Training spatial skills: What works, for whom, why and for how long
LL Liu, DH Uttal, LM Marulis, NS Newcombe
Poster presented at the 20th annual meeting of the Association for …, 2008
Conceptualizing and assessing metacognitive development in young children
LM Marulis
University of Michigan, 2014
A meta-analysis of training effects on spatial skills
LL Hand, DH Uttal, L Marulis, NS Newcombe
annual meetings of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, 2008
What’sa Situation in Situated Cognition?–A Constructionist Critique of Authentic Inquiry
D Abrahamson, AA diSessa, P Blikstein, U Wilensky, DH Uttal, MM Amaya, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2006
How does young children’s metacognitive knowledge relate to their error-related brain activity and academic achievement
LM Marulis, MH Kim, JK Grammer, M Carrasco, FJ Morrison, WJ Gehring
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Biennial …, 2013
Self-regulated learning
LM Marulis, AS Palincsar
Classroom Management: An A-to-Z Guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2014
Facilitating strategic and effective approaches to learning and academic success: the development and evaluation of models of associations between early years metacognition and …
LM Marulis
Remembering the Life, Work, and Influence of Stuart A. Karabenick: A Legacy …, 2023
Examining performance on a process-based assessment of word learning in relation to vocabulary knowledge and learning in vocabulary intervention
ES Kelley, H Goldstein
Seminars in Speech and Language 40 (05), 344-358, 2019
Help-seeking and private speech during a problem-solving task in 2-5 year olds
LJ Nelson, LM Marulis
Metacognition and Learning 16, 1-14, 2017
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