HyungBin Moon
HyungBin Moon
在 pknu.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Forecasting electricity demand of electric vehicles by analyzing consumers’ charging patterns
HB Moon, SY Park, C Jeong, J Lee
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 62, 64-79, 2018
Staying on convention or leapfrogging to eco-innovation?: Identifying early adopters of hydrogen-powered vehicles
HB Moon, SY Park, JR Woo
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 171, 120995, 2021
Public attitudes toward the construction of new power plants in South Korea
JR Woo, HB Moon, J Lee, J Jang
Energy & Environment 28 (4), 499-517, 2017
Analyzing public preference and willingness to pay for spent nuclear fuel facilities in South Korea: a latent class approach
JR Woo, J Jang, HB Moon, J Lee
Progress in Nuclear Energy 100, 255-265, 2017
Attitudes in Korea toward introducing smart policing technologies: Differences between the general public and police officers
HB Moon, H Choi, J Lee, KS Lee
Sustainability 9 (10), 1921, 2017
Preference heterogeneity of local government for implementing ICT infrastructure and services through public-private partnership mechanism
B Acharya, J Lee, HB Moon
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 79, 101103, 2022
Social benefits of improving water infrastructure in South Korea: upgrading sewage treatment plants
J Ahn, HB Moon, J Shin, J Ryu
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 11202-11212, 2020
Which consumers are willing to pay for smart car healthcare services? A discrete choice experiment approach
JR Woo, J Shin, H Kim, HB Moon
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 69, 103084, 2022
Consumers’ heterogeneous preferences toward the renewable portfolio standard policy: An evaluation of Korea’s energy transition policy
J Lee, HB Moon, J Lee
Energy & Environment 32 (4), 648-667, 2021
Heterogeneous attitudes toward autonomous vehicles: evaluation of consumer acceptance of vehicle automation technology using a latent class approach
H Kim, HB Moon
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 34 (12), 1402-1417, 2022
The shared mobility services ban in South Korea: Consumer preferences and social opportunity cost
H Choi, SY Park, HB Moon
Travel behaviour and society 28, 214-226, 2022
Monetary valuation of air quality improvement with the stated preference technique: A multi-pollutant perspective
HB Moon, SH Yoo, SY Huh
Science of the Total Environment 793, 148604, 2021
Ex-ante impact evaluation of Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards on energy consumption and the environment in South Korea
JR Woo, HB Moon, M Lee, M Jo, J Lee
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 53, 321-333, 2017
Nudging energy efficiency behavior: The effect of message framing on implicit discount rate
J Park, WJ Son, HB Moon, JR Woo
Energy Economics 117, 106485, 2023
토픽모델링을 활용한 주요국의 스마트제조 기술 동향 분석
오윤환, 문형빈
한국산업정보학회논문지 27 (4), 65-79, 2022
Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for wearable devices: A choice experimental approach
HB Moon, J Kim, Y Kim, SY Huh
한국혁신학회지 16 (3), 391-419, 2021
Managing spent nuclear fuel in South Korea: Heterogeneous public attitudes toward different management strategies at individual‐and segment levels
HB Moon, JR Woo
International Journal of Energy Research 44 (10), 8037-8052, 2020
치안분야 과학기술에 대한 경찰과 국민의인식차이와 정책적 시사점
이기수, 문형빈
한국경찰연구 15 (4), 131-154, 2016
Analytic Hierarchy Process for Prioritizing Radiation Safety Measures in Medical Institutions
HS Kim, H Jeong, H Moon, SH Park
Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 49 (1), 40-49, 2024
How to be a winner of future vehicle maintenance services: consumer preference for vehicle self-diagnosis and fault prediction system in next-generation vehicles
M Oh, HB Moon, JR Woo, H Kim, J Shin
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-13, 2024
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