Jordi Olivella
Jordi Olivella
在 upc.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Work organisation practices for lean production
J Olivella, L Cuatrecasas, N Gavilan
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 19 (7), 798-811, 2008
A model for the assignment of a set of tasks when work performance depends on experience of all tasks involved
A Corominas, J Olivella, R Pastor
International Journal of Production Economics 126 (2), 335-340, 2010
Metodología de implantación de la gestión lean en plantas industriales
J Fortuny-Santos, LC Arbós, OC Castellsaques, JO Nadal
Universia Business Review, 28-41, 2008
A detailed workforce planning model including non-linear dependence of capacity on the size of the staff and cash management
A Corominas, A Lusa, J Olivella
European Journal of Operational Research 216 (2), 445-458, 2012
Selecting and adapting weekly work schedules with working time accounts: A case of a retail clothing chain
R Pastor, J Olivella
European Journal of Operational Research 184 (1), 1-12, 2008
Task assignment considering cross-training goals and due dates
J Olivella, A Corominas, R Pastor
International Journal of Production Research 51 (3), 952-962, 2013
A manufacturing and remanufacturing aggregate planning model considering a non-linear supply function of recovered products
A Corominas, A Lusa, J Olivella
Production Planning & Control 23 (2-3), 194-204, 2012
Calibrating cross-training to meet demand mix variation and employee absence
J Olivella, D Nembhard
European Journal of Operational Research 248 (2), 462-472, 2016
Capacity planning with working time accounts in services
A Corominas, J Olivella, R Pastor
Journal of the Operational Research Society 61 (2), 321-331, 2010
Modelo de indicadores de responsabilidad social empresarial para el sector de la logística y el transporte
J González Babón
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012
Production planning under a working time accounts scheme
A Lusa, A Corominas, J Olivella, R Pastor
International Journal of Production Research 47 (13), 3435-3451, 2009
A case study of an integrated manufacturing performance measurement and meeting system
J Olivella, R Gregorio
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 26 (4), 515-535, 2015
Metodología para la implantación del lean management en una empresa industrial independiente y de tamaño medio
L Cuatrecasas Arbós, J Olivella Nadal
XIX Congreso Nacional de ACEDE, 1-28, 2005
Herramientas e indicadores de control para la mejora de un proceso de acuerdo con los principios de la producción lean
LC i Arbós, JO Nadal
IX Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, 117, 2005
Technology forecasting: Recent trends and new methods
G Calleja-Sanz, J Olivella-Nadal, F Solé-Parellada
Research methodology in management and industrial engineering, 45-69, 2020
España como destino de estudiantes universitarios internacionales: datos y tendencias
J Olivella Nadal
Gestión de los horarios de trabajo en presencia de cláusulas de flexibilidad pasiva
AL García, CM Costa, JO Nadal
Universia Business Review, 10-25, 2007
An entropy-based measurement of working time flexibility
J Olivella, A Corominas, R Pastor
European Journal of Operational Research 200 (1), 253-260, 2010
An experiment on task performance forecasting based on the experience of different tasks
J Olivella Nadal
Journal of universal knowledge management 1, 305-312, 2007
Planificación del tiempo de trabajo con cuentas de horas: el caso industrial
AC Subias, AL García, JO Nadal
Dirección y Organización, 110-115, 2008
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