Beth Casey
Beth Casey
Professor of Applied Psychology, Boston College
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The development of spatial skills through interventions involving block building activities
BM Casey, N Andrews, H Schindler, JE Kersh, A Samper, J Copley
Cognition and Instruction 26 (3), 269-309, 2008
Use of a storytelling context to improve girls' and boys' geometry skills in kindergarten
B Casey, S Erkut, I Ceder, JM Young
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 29 (1), 29-48, 2008
The role of spatial training in improving spatial and calculus performance in engineering students
S Sorby, B Casey, N Veurink, A Dulaney
Learning and Individual Differences 26, 20-29, 2013
Storytelling sagas: An effective medium for teaching early childhood mathematics
B Casey, JE Kersh, JM Young
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 19 (1), 167-172, 2004
Young girls’ arithmetic and spatial skills: The distal and proximal roles of family socioeconomics and home learning experiences
E Dearing, BM Casey, CM Ganley, M Tillinger, E Laski, C Montecillo
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 27 (3), 458-470, 2012
Maternal support of children's early numerical concept learning predicts preschool and first‐grade math achievement
BM Casey, CM Lombardi, D Thomson, HN Nguyen, M Paz, CA Theriault, ...
Child development 89 (1), 156-173, 2018
Spatial skills as a predictor of first grade girls' use of higher level arithmetic strategies
EV Laski, BM Casey, Q Yu, A Dulaney, M Heyman, E Dearing
Learning and Individual Differences 23, 123-130, 2013
A longitudinal analysis of early spatial skills compared to arithmetic and verbal skills as predictors of fifth-grade girls' math reasoning
BM Casey, E Pezaris, B Fineman, A Pollock, L Demers, E Dearing
Learning and Individual Differences 40, 90-100, 2015
Research on spatial skills and block building in girls and boys
J Kersh, BM Casey, JM Young
Contemporary perspectives on mathematics in early childhood education, 233-251, 2008
Spatial and numerical predictors of measurement performance: The moderating effects of community income and gender.
BM Casey, E Dearing, M Vasilyeva, CM Ganley, M Tine
Journal of educational psychology 103 (2), 296, 2011
Mathematics problem-solving adventures: A language-arts-based supplementary series for early childhood that focuses on spatial sense
B Casey
Engaging young children in mathematics, 377-391, 2003
Girls’ spatial skills and arithmetic strategies in first grade as predictors of fifth-grade analytical math reasoning
BM Casey, CMP Lombardi, A Pollock, B Fineman, E Pezaris
Journal of Cognition and Development 18 (5), 530-555, 2017
Young girls’ spatial and arithmetic performance: The mediating role of maternal supportive interactions during joint spatial problem solving
BM Casey, E Dearing, A Dulaney, M Heyman, R Springer
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 29 (4), 636-648, 2014
An examination of gender differences in spatial skills and math attitudes in relation to mathematics success: A bio-psycho-social model
BM Casey, CM Ganley
Developmental Review 60, 100963, 2021
Maternal support of young children’s planning and spatial concept learning as predictors of later math (and reading) achievement
CMP Lombardi, BM Casey, D Thomson, HN Nguyen, E Dearing
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 41, 114-125, 2017
Early childhood corner: The power of block building
B Casey, B Bobb
Teaching Children Mathematics 10 (2), 98-102, 2003
Measurement skills in low-income elementary school students: Exploring the nature of gender differences
M Vasilyeva, BM Casey, E Dearing, CM Ganley
Cognition and Instruction 27 (4), 401-428, 2009
Adolescent boys' and girls' block constructions differ in structural balance: A block-building characteristic related to math achievement
BM Casey, EE Pezaris, J Bassi
Learning and Individual Differences 22 (1), 25-36, 2012
Quality of fathers’ spatial concept support during block building predicts their daughters’ early math skills–but not their sons’
D Thomson, BM Casey, CM Lombardi, HN Nguyen
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 50, 51-64, 2020
How children determine the size of 3D structures: Investigating factors influencing strategy choice
M Vasilyeva, CM Ganley, BM Casey, A Dulaney, M Tillinger, K Anderson
Cognition and instruction 31 (1), 29-61, 2013
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