Nikhil Chandra Admal
A unified interpretation of stress in molecular systems
NC Admal, EB Tadmor
Journal of elasticity 100, 63-143, 2010
A non-singular theory of dislocations in anisotropic crystals
G Po, M Lazar, NC Admal, N Ghoniem
International Journal of Plasticity 103, 1-22, 2018
A unified framework for polycrystal plasticity with grain boundary evolution
NC Admal, G Po, J Marian
International Journal of Plasticity 106, 1-30, 2018
Stress and heat flux for arbitrary multibody potentials: A unified framework
NC Admal, EB Tadmor
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (18), 2011
The atomistic representation of first strain-gradient elastic tensors
NC Admal, J Marian, G Po
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 99, 93-115, 2017
The non-uniqueness of the atomistic stress tensor and its relationship to the generalized Beltrami representation
NC Admal, EB Tadmor
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 93, 72-92, 2016
A three-dimensional misorientation axis-and inclination-dependent Kobayashi–Warren–Carter grain boundary model
NC Admal, J Segurado, J Marian
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 128, 32-53, 2019
The Green tensor of Mindlin’s anisotropic first strain gradient elasticity
G Po, NC Admal, M Lazar
Materials Theory 3, 1-16, 2019
Material fields in atomistics as pull-backs of spatial distributions
NC Admal, EB Tadmor
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 89, 59-76, 2016
Interface dislocations and grain boundary disconnections using Smith normal bicrystallography
NC Admal, T Ahmed, E Martinez, G Po
Acta Materialia 240, 118340, 2022
Polycrystal plasticity with grain boundary evolution: a numerically efficient dislocation-based diffuse-interface model
J He, NC Admal
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 30 (2), 025006, 2021
A crystal symmetry-invariant Kobayashi-Warren-Carter grain boundary model and its implementation using a thresholding algorithm
J Kim, M Jacobs, S Osher, NC Admal
Computational Materials Science 199 (110575), 2021
A finite deformation theory for grain boundary plasticity based on geometrically necessary disconnections
H Joshi, J He, NC Admal
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 167, 104949, 2022
Diffuse-interface polycrystal plasticity: expressing grain boundaries as geometrically necessary dislocations
NC Admal, G Po, J Marian
Materials Theory 1, 1-16, 2017
Graphene-mediated stabilization of surface facets on metal substrates
G Ananthakrishnan, M Surana, M Poss, JJ Yaacoub, K Zhang, N Admal, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 130 (16), 2021
Bicrystallography-informed Frenkel–Kontorova model for interlayer dislocations in strained 2D heterostructures
MT Ahmed, C Wang, AS Banerjee, NC Admal
Mechanics of Materials 190, 104903, 2024
Strain-driven faceting of graphene-catalyst interfaces
M Surana, G Ananthakrishnan, MM Poss, JJ Yaacoub, K Zhang, T Ahmed, ...
Nano letters 23 (5), 1659-1665, 2023
A stochastic framework for evolving grain statistics using a neural network model for grain topology transformations
J Kim, NC Admal
Computational Materials Science 216, 111812, 2023
Interface mechanics of 2D materials on metal substrates
M Surana, T Ahmed, NC Admal
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 163, 104831, 2022
Noise filtering in atomistic stress calculations for crystalline materials
M Shi, NC Admal, EB Tadmor
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 144, 104083, 2020
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